Recent content by manofstraw

  1. M

    Do you Think Things are better now?

    I guess for anyone born after 1946 in the Anglosphere they'd have seen an amazing upturn in technology, wealth and quality of life, my parents would vouch for that. I talk of the UK only but it has been suggested my generation (20's and below), on average, is going to be the first to be worse...
  2. M

    Chapter 24

    Cheers Chevy. FYI, every person in the UK has to have a private pension now by law, albeit that has only just been introduced (my pension at work started in April). Prior to that I am (and still am) paying into my own - I claim back my taxes on any credit to my pension from the Inland Revenue...
  3. M

    Chapter 24

    Animorph, thanks for your reply. I realise I may have to manage my obsession with clearing debt even when the fundamentals suggest it pays to keep it (Re. your comments regarding mortgages), unfortunately that is something I have to overcome, particularly as I may be fortunate enough to come...
  4. M

    Chapter 24

    Thanks for the reply MooreBonds. Some great advice. Interms of your 3 camps to ER, I'd say I am most likely to follow your path, I actually find putting money to work as a hobby in itself so the sacrifices that come with that vocation are perfectly acceptable to me, as you allude, its whether a...
  5. M

    Chapter 24

    Hello all. May I start by saying how useful, and inspiring, I have already found this forum, so thank-you. I must admit to not being overly familiar with American tax, saving and pension vehicles (and for that I apologise) but I've done my best to read up and convert to the British equivalent...
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