Recent content by Milkman

  1. Milkman

    Why are older Americans drinking so much

    It is interesting that so many people have alcohol problems after retirement. I traveled extensively when working. Except when I would go out after work for dinner and or drinks with associates (which wasn't too frequent), I would generally take my Kindle to dinner and read while drinking ice...
  2. Milkman

    What kind of stock/bond mix you looking at in retirement?

    I retired 10 years ago at 64. For the first six years I was 100% in dividend growth stocks, due to the fact that interest rates were virtually nothing. I was paying myself monthly from dividend income, but trying to keep annual withdrawals at 2% or less. About 4 years ago when the rates...
  3. Milkman

    What stocks are you shopping?

    Different strokes for different folks. I respect your opinion and your right to speak out. Like I said this was basically fun money. I did the same thing with Zoom at the beginning of Covid and sold it 3 months later. Byrna has multiple products, greatly increased marketing exposure on...
  4. Milkman

    What stocks are you shopping?

    Normally I invest in Dividend Aristocrats for the income. Every once in a while I go out on a limb with a small amount of money. Lately a company called Byrna Technologies caught my attention. They sell CO2 self defense pistols that launch .68 caliber projectiles, some with pepper spray, that...
  5. Milkman

    The Blues (music)

    I'm surprised that no one (unless I missed it) has mentioned Bo Diddley. I saw him perform in the mid 90s and was amazed at how good he was and the amount of energy he had at the point in his life. Otherwise, I also enjoy all the usual greats like John Lee Hooker, Muddy Waters, Howlin Wolf...
  6. Milkman

    Who follows a "buckets strategy" in retirement?

    I have utilized a bucket strategy. I keep 4-6 months of cash in the sweep account and money market fund in my TIRA. I have money sent twice a month like a pay check to my checking account with federal and state taxes withheld. Dividends and interest are sufficient to keep that bucket filled...
  7. Milkman

    Do You Have an Air Fryer?

    Yes. All of the above. We have a Ninja Foodi combination pressure cooker and air fryer. We also have a Breville toaster oven with an air fryer. Both have multiple functions like slow cooker and dehydrator. You can combine several functions like pressure cooking and air fryer to make...
  8. Milkman

    What was your WR YTD

    We have been retired since 9/01/2014. Our average wd rate has been 2.25%. The highest was 3.4% when we upgraded our motorhome 3 years ago. Our rate has gone down since I took social security at 70. This year was 2.07%.
  9. Milkman

    Stealth Wealth

    I had an out of state aunt and uncle who lived on some very expensive property. They had no children. My uncle asked me to watch out for my aunt after he passed. Which I did; becoming her conservator. He offered to give me the entire estate which I turned down so my two cousins (also...
  10. Milkman

    Sleeping in…a retirement luxury

    I think I get up earlier in retirement, most likely because I enjoy my days better. I am usually in bed by 9:30, read myself to sleep and then awake between 4:30 and 5:30. I have a friend who is a CPA. He gets up around 4:30 every morning and says that the next 3 hours are the most productive...
  11. Milkman

    Schwab Headwinds?

    Being a customer of TD for 26 years, I was aware of the issue of low interest on cash sweep amounts due to having IRA, Roth, and taxable accounts both for myself and also my wife. Since retiring 9 years ago, I set up bi-monthly distributions from the IRA accounts and used the cash in the...
  12. Milkman

    First Paid Job

    Unless I missed it in the thread, I'm surprised no one mentioned "de-tasseling" corn. My wife grew up in Nebraska and most of her family did it at one time or another.
  13. Milkman

    First Paid Job

    First job at 14 years old was as a golf caddy. I was paid $4 per bag for 18 holes. I usually carried doubles which doubled the money per round. I did this on and off through college for extra beer money. I also mowed my share of lawns. First paid job was at 16 years old. I was a clerk in a...
  14. Milkman

    Poll:How Many Times Did You Change Employers In Your Career?

    Counting the job I held on and off from high school until 4 months after graduating from college, I had 7 separate employers. The longest tenures were 23 and 13 years over 41 years following college until retirement.
  15. Milkman

    Keeping It over the generations

    Even though the majority of our net worth came by way of saving it one paycheck at a time, I did inherit money from my father (gave all dividends and interest to my step mom until she died 10 years later) and also from my aunt (was her conservator for 6 years, then split the estate evenly with...
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