Recent content by mortal

  1. M

    when is it ok to spend?

    I use 3% as my 'planning' SWR. As of this year, I can support my current lifestyle at a 3% SWR. I'm not planning on retiring until I can support myself at the median household income, so I've got about a decade left to retire, but in the meantime I'll increase my spending in line with a 3%...
  2. M

    Convert TSP to roth on retirement?

    Howdy folks, I have a tsp account, and use it (and the G fund) for the bond portion (40%?) of my portfolio. For those of you who aren't familiar with the TSP, and the G fund, it has very low expenses (.033%?), and relatively high risk free returns (esp in a rising interest rate...
  3. M

    The Never ending struggle Between Saving and Spending

    This could so easily be me some day. I'm a single guy in his early 30s By the time I get off from work, many days I'm exhausted. I just want to go home, crack open a beer and play some video games with friends, watch a movie or read a book. I doubt I will ever feel financially secure until I...
  4. M

    Share your FIRE Milestones - 2013- 2020

    32 and half way there. So today, I was updating my 'outside' account balances on vanguard, and I noticed something. I'm halfway to financially independence (@ 3% SWR) In some abstract way, this feels big. My net worth is 100x what it was 10 years ago. I do have to keep it in perspective...
  5. M

    how to know when working OMY is not financially worthwhile?

    Yeah my formula is pretty simple. (Portfolio * 3.25%) >= Expenses ? My calculations tell me that my 'income' from my portfolio increases ~3k per year. After I become financially independent, I'll simply increase my spending to the amount supported by my portfolio each year, until I'm content...
  6. M

    ABLE ACT (529 for disabled) now law.

    Howdy folks, It seems congress has passed (and obama has signed), a new law which provides for a 529 like law for people with disabilities. Some highlights gleaned from google, and the bill: Up to 14k / year can be contributed. Beneficiary must have had the disability prior to age 26...
  7. M

    I hate being front runned by HF traders

    The problem here is not that you got front ran, it's that mutual funds get front ran on every. Single. Trade. This is not as big of a problem with index funds, with there low turnover, but it still rubs me the wrong way that regulators won't stop it. Crony capitalism at its finest. Sent from...
  8. M

    Login issues today

    Whew, thank goodness, thought my account had been hijacked, and was worried about what spam had been posted under my name.
  9. M

    Rent vs. Own

    I think it boils down to where you are in life, and what your needs are. Young? Single? Switch jobs alot? Renting is probably the better decision. Married? Have kids / animals? Need 3+ bedrooms? Lean towards buy. Retired? Might want to check out that 2 bedroom condo... I rent, as I...
  10. M

    Does anybody want to be rich when they get old?

    I save over half my income. I save for the day that I am financially independent. I like my work well enough. When I retire, I will be retiring *to* something, not *from* work. Having said that, I am conflicted about saving so much. I know that I won't be happy living as I live now long...
  11. M

    TSP Allocation...most Feds too conservative...

    I was lucky enough to land a internship / coop with the navy while I was in college. For whatever reason, I decided to contribute to the TSP, and by the time I left, I had enough in the account that I could elect to keep it there if I so choose. Since that time, I've learned that the TSP is...
  12. M

    Those who plan to ER in their 30's/40's...are you unfulfilled by your career?

    Some folks are indeed motivated to retire in their 40's. They save to become financially independent, with this goal in mind. I *may* retire early, but this is not my motivation. If perception colors reality, perhaps my view of the world is darker than it truly is. However, I can't shake...
  13. M

    (My) biggest threat to FIRE

    Howdy all, I used to think that one's savings rate is by far most important variable in achieving financial independence. However, there is no 'savings' without income, and no income without a job. I knew this, in a fuzzy sort of way, but late April it really hit home. My company went...
  14. M

    Remember all the dire "peak oil" predictions?

    +1 for The Oil Drum | Discussions about Energy and Our Future This site is well respected even by many in the industry. I'd also recommend It used to be called the energy bulletin. The 'shale' boom is *great* news for America. However, it doesn't magically solve peak oil...
  15. M

    Carson City community curmudgeon found to be guarding $7M in gold

    Kinda sad how folks can so callously pick on the mentally ill. I wonder if anyone ever reached out to try and help him? How much richer would his life (and his community) have been for it?
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