Recent content by Mountain skier

  1. M

    Talk me out of selling everything

    I do not believe one can put much trust in historical averages because many situations/causes that made the USA so productive are not nearly as prominent or possible now.
  2. M

    Talk me out of selling everything

    Wow. Just curious, if I may ask, do you have pension income too?
  3. M

    Talk me out of selling everything

    RetiredAt 49, is your AA 100/0? I do not have the bravery for such an AA lol.
  4. M

    Talk me out of selling everything

    I too have very little faith in the market being overly positive currently; at least not until the results of the 2024 election and probably the near end of Fed rate increases to name a few items of concern. As a retiree I feel it is time to buckle down
  5. M

    Talk me out of selling everything

    I agree with this post. We are retirees and have a CD ladder with the majority of our savings.
  6. M

    Talk me out of selling everything

    A retiree would be smart to go mostly fixed income, especially now that CD rates are improving. An easy math sample: $1M at 4%= $40,000. That generated income would really help in my humble opinion.
  7. M

    Talked to 2 Retired Neighbors .. They didn't pay off mortgage, but both have pensions

    Pay off the mortgage early....peace of mind is worth a lot:)
  8. M

    3 Bucket Strategy

    We have a 5yr CD ladder using the bucket strategy
  9. M

    The Dangers of Cash

    My CD's earn $ each day...seems better than many bond categories currently. The more years of cash saved the more secure you'll feel. Invest part of portfolio in equities as a hedge against inflation. Many retirees I know feel better having most of their $ in cash.
  10. M

    sun city west or sun city grand AZ

    Great weather most of the year
  11. M

    Hi, I suppose it depends, but...

    Lazyfish: I am having trouble understanding your assets it $1.6M plus the two houses?
  12. M

    Holding $600K in cash - feeling like an idiot. Options???

    We have way more than $600k in cash and we sleep like babies at night
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