Recent content by nativenewenglander

  1. N

    Standardized Covid Treatment Protocols?

    I bought Ivermectin from India last March in took a month to arrive. I had order 50 12mg tablets. I follow the Last Sunday I was exposed to a sick neighbor, Monday I started having symptoms. He was Covid positive that day...
  2. N

    Short Memories?

    We'll all die of something. Living in fear is no life. Good luck to you that live your life in fear. After 40 years running and starting businesses I fear nothing at all.
  3. N

    Has anybody changed their mind about their investing strategy going forward?

    We are currently 50% cash and 50% Wellesley Income. I will deploy the cash as we move through the current environment. Having run several businesses before retirement, it will be interesting to see how this all resolves itself we are in uncharted waters. A recession was coming, the virus, then...
  4. N

    Line in the sand

    I think with COVID-19 it is eventually going to work out that 60-65% are asymptomatic. Of the remaining 40% about half end up in the hospital and roughly 17% develop ARDS. I see different numbers for ventilators depending where you look. The worst published report is 30 out of 31 died. For...
  5. N

    COVID-19 Shutdown Exit Strategy?

    This the best Dr. Fauci interview I have watched. It was done yesterday. Dr. Mike aks all great questions without any news spin to it. Doctor to doctor 14 minutes long
  6. N

    Life After Corona

    Home gardens will make a big come back. I have received notes from seed companies that they are over capacity with calls. This happened in 2008-09 as well, which had less impact than this is having in my opinion.
  7. N

    Major Purchase Now?

    We are moving ahead with our kitchen renovation. Our plan is to have a nice new kitchen all the materials are coming from local companies except appliances. It's an investment in our home, but also in the local economy which really needs it now. I've been buying gift cards from local restaurants...
  8. N

    Poll: How many rolls of toilet paper do you have?

    Six and dropping........ Our well stocked stock is less than a mile away, plus I sneak one from the guest bathroom if I run low. Sorry guests!
  9. N

    What was your happiest moment today?

    I always cook my fresh caught trout in a 10 inch cast iron skillet. Thankfully the brook trout I catch are usually less than 12 inches. I roll them in cornmeal then add salt and pepper, cook to a dark brown. Perfect for breakfast or dinner.
  10. N

    Intermittent Fasting, Yes it Works

    I have been incorporating fasting for a little over a year now. The fasting is part of my low carb diet I have done since 12/17. The fasting came about because eating more protein made me far less hungry eventually seeing I could skip meals or sometimes now food for an entire 24 hours. Since...
  11. N

    Any Kayakers here?

    My wife and I bought ultra light canoes last year rather than kayaks. My wife has a 10'5" version it weighs 14 lbs. Mine is 13' and weighs 19 lbs. You paddle with a traditional kayak paddle. I fly fish out of mine all summer long and now can go to some really remote ponds as the boat is so light...
  12. N

    Towns and Cities with Free Public Transportation

    That's great to know. 14 of us are heading there for a ski vacation on 2/15-2/22. Some of us are skiing WildCat in NH today. I'll do some research as the free transport could be handy.
  13. N

    Anyone ever consider if ER is worth it?

    What are your goals? My dad always told us his goals for my mother and he for their retirement. Dad always said work hard and save when you're young as you have time for your money to grow over time and you have boundless energy when younger. He always gave examples of others that didn't save or...
  14. N

    It's Wednesday weigh ins! 2007-2022

    185 lbs have been the same for about 8 months now. Still keeping on my low carb diet. I have broken that a bit these last few weeks with Christmas cookies
  15. N

    Christmas bells made my head hurt!

    We went to Walmart the other day gave a few bucks to the bell ringer to the right as we came to the door. While exiting we went the other way, there was another bell ringer, this one was a patient of my wife's apparently(hippa). We gave her a few bucks, then drove across the road to the grocery...
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