Recent content by NeilDH

  1. N

    Who has no scheduled commitments in retirement?

    I’m like Lewis Clark above. I have some obligations like my longtime work with a trade association, but I’m winding that down to doing things I actually like with it (so, not being the president anymore). There’s family stuff that may or may not be pleasant. But I have many days that are all...
  2. N

    Reflecting on the first year of my FIRE glide-path / Coast FIRE

    Interesting (as I'm also a 53-year-old). You are still doing a whole lot! If it's "work" that you like, then this is working great.
  3. N

    Our First Year of Retirement!

    I actually rather enjoy living along with the rhythms of the world ... somewhat. Particularly the good parts. I had a career with a lot of weekend work, including Friday nights. I like Friday night being Friday night, Saturday being Saturday, Sunday being lazy Sunday (with no Sunday Scaries). I...
  4. N

    What are your views on Salim Ramji former exec at Black Rock becoming CEO of Vanguard. should we be concerned?

    I agree that Vanguard works great for our basic, individual investing, or even not so basic. The website works well. Same with Schwab. I’ve worked with both to manage nonprofits’ investments. When anything got complicated, Vanguard was hit or miss in customer service and ability to do what I...
  5. N

    The Day Has Finally Come.....

    I'm 7 months into RE after a 31-year career. I loved the work I did ... until I didn't. As you say, the accompanying deadline pressure and other pressures -- like, as others said, making sure others were taken care of -- finally got to be too tiresome, and, again as others have said, it was time...
  6. N

    Who FIREd the Earliest with the Lowest FIRE Score and Why You Did?

    For those of you long retired, has it been true that you're spending has decreased with age, or started to at a certain point? Is Bernicke's Reality ... for real, for instance? (Spending starts declining as soon as age 56??)
  7. N

    Low 50s, and am I "retired"? Well, I'm now not working hard!

    This is excellent. Yes, one thing I do know is I want supreme flexibility, even if I do w*rk. Keeping the schedule loose -- yes! Especially as May is upon us and I like to enjoy the outdoors.
  8. N

    The "What are you doing now" question

    Well, I do know a few things for sure: I was right to leave my job, I know I don't want a new full-time job -- and if some sweet offer did come, I would insist on supreme flexibility -- and I do like being able to take advantage of good weather, as May is upon us now. I basically plan around it...
  9. N

    The "What are you doing now" question

    This is about exactly what I'm going through, tmitchell. It's especially weird since I'm in my low 50s, whereas people may, I don't know, respect the situation more for people in their 60s.
  10. N

    What did you do today? - 2023/2024 version

    I did a little hedge trimming, attending a webinar and am reading these forums as I avoid my self-paced tax course during my day off the bike! :)
  11. N

    The "What are you doing now" question

    My wife and I are 7 months into ... whatever we or people want to call what we're doing -- retirement, semiretirement, on sabbatical, FIRE. When we took a voluntary buyout from our employer (we worked at the same place), we hadn't used the R word, but others started using it for us! We are in...
  12. N

    One Year Anniversary

    I appreciate your insight on the first anniversary. I'm at 7 months and "still wrapping my head around it" as you say. I have pursued one thing (tax prep course) that helped give me some structure in the winter, while expected family matters to tend to were bigger than I thought they'd be. Now...
  13. N

    Low 50s, and am I "retired"? Well, I'm now not working hard!

    That's great insight, rodi. Appreciate it.
  14. N

    Low 50s, and am I "retired"? Well, I'm now not working hard!

    Hi, everyone. This is a really neat forum to find. My wife (52) and I (54) just ended about 30-year careers in newspapers after voluntary buyout offers kept coming; we finally took it. I believe I'm in the FIRE camp. I'm nervous just a few months in, but I've run our numbers countless times and...
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