Recent content by Normah

  1. N

    Is a car a necessity? Gen Y has a different outlook than previous generations.

    I went 2 years without a car once. I remember feeling at times that those in cars were part of a privileged class. I think it depends if you have dependents and a lot of things to carry. More and more people seem to be lightening their loads, so to speak, and this tends to make a car-less life...
  2. N

    LDL-C, LDL particle count, diet, and statins

    Dilemma on statins It's a dilemma for people who are told by their doctors they need to take a statin drug to lower cholesterol. Some people get no side-effects from statins, at least not ones they notice - which is kind of scary in itself, that you could be losing your memory, for example...
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