Recent content by ocdokie

  1. O

    Thank You Veterans

    Father served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam (all USAF). One brother served in Vietnam (USMC). One sister served in US (WAC). Another brother served in Germany (USA). All are dead now.
  2. O

    Any 3%ers out there?

    Retired at age 52 in 2010. [cue the Hallelujah Chorus]
  3. O


    JRon, I wear my Invisalign retainers only when sleeping, never during the day. And to clean them, I just drop them into a glass of warm water and add a denture cleanser tablet. After about 30 minutes, I rinse the retainers and put them back into their storage case. Easy-peasy. My teeth are still...
  4. O

    Opinion on finances, ER

    YES! DH and I retired in 2010 at ages 59 and 52, respectively, with a financial situation very much like yours. Our love is travel, and being able to travel without having to limit the experience because of work commitments has been a joy. This is our 11th year of retirement, and we're slowing...
  5. O

    Young adults and locus of motivation

    My experience was "induced by external demands." My parents made clear to all 7 of us kids that when we reached age 18, we were on our own. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts. Somehow, all of us survived -- 3 joined the military, and the rest of us got various jobs.
  6. O

    Behavior Patterns in Panic Buying

    DH and I were at Whole Foods early last Saturday morning (Mar.14) for a croissant outing, eating at a table near the checkout lines. Every single customer had a cart filled with multiple packages of toilet paper, and nothing else.
  7. O

    Do You Enjoy Reading More, Same, or Less Than When Younger?

    I've always loved to read. In retirement, I can read to my heart's content. I like the "mystery" genre, but my problem is finding new books that aren't gratuitously violent. The violence is unnecessarily graphic and detailed, and is almost always exhibited against female characters. Most of...
  8. O

    How to : Jump to unread portion of a thread?

    Hmm. Whenever I re-open a thread I've previously accessed, the newest entry comes up automatically. Maybe a forum moderator can help you? Edited to add: Thanks, RunningBum. I'm always logged in to the forum, so that's why I automatically go to the new posts.
  9. O

    when is it ok to spend?

    DH and I retired in 2010, aged 59 and 52. Until this year, we did indeed keep our frugal pants on tight. We finally feel comfortable enough to spend more money on our favorite thing -- international travel. We'd always flown in cattle class and skimped on lodging and food costs, and always had a...
  10. O

    How much do you spend on Groceries?

    Made me look. Mint says that as of today (Nov.30), in 2018 DH and I have spent $377 per month on groceries, with $80 per month on eating out. There's just the two of us.
  11. O

    Read or watch the video?

    Sanfranciscotreat, I'm using Firefox as my browser. In the space where the URL appears for whatever website I'm viewing, there's an icon of a printed page. If I hover over that icon, it says, "Toggle reader view (F9)". When I click on the icon, the video clips disappear, replaced by a line of...
  12. O

    New Shingrx Shingles Vaccine

    With the first shot, I had a sore arm for 2 days and that was it. With the second shot, there was no arm soreness at all, but I had chills for 3 hours during the night. DH had no side effects at all with either shot. He's got a nerve! :frown: I guess it's true that misery loves company.
  13. O

    New Shingrx Shingles Vaccine

    The cost is per shot, with 2 shots being the norm for the Shingrix vaccine. I paid $160 per shot, for a total of $320. My insurance did not cover either shot. :(
  14. O

    Poll: How do you handle healthcare in retirement?

    I'm an Other. Non-subsidized, non-ACA plan from DH's former employer. This year it's $500 per month for just little old me. From what I read on this forum, it could be a lot more, so I feel lucky.
  15. O

    New Shingrx Shingles Vaccine

    My insurance does not cover Shingrix. I got my first Shingrix shot last month at Costco for a cash price of $156.00. The second shot is due within 6 months of the first; it will also cost $156.00, so the total will be a little over your $300 upper range. I think it's worth it.
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