Recent content by pimpmyretirement

  1. P

    Who counts as Rich?

    Note that the $150k is for total household income.
  2. P

    Kodak Bankruptcy? Very sad...

    My first digital camera, bought in 2002, was a Kodak. It was junk. I never gave them another try.
  3. P

    Annual Performance Review Nonsense

    Today my politics based approach to career management was reinforced futher. My wife had a 33% raise and 2 level promotion in July. She survived a re-org induced round of lay offs in December. Unprompted, as part of the reorg, she was just promoted 2 more levels and recieved another 10% raise...
  4. P

    Getting divorced: he partly blames RE dreams

    People do not change, they get better at hiding who they really are. The guy you have described cannot be trusted, period. It is a scary he is a doctor. I would not want to be his patient.
  5. P

    Why do 401k plans have so few fund choices?

    My first 401k had, I think, 10 funds. I just put 10% of my contributions in each of them. I am certain I was not the only one employing this strategy.
  6. P

    Lazy Portfolios

    I dunno what all these ticker symbols you guys are talking about are, but I just buy the vanguard target retirement fund. It's named after my goal, how could I go wrong? I have not been able to figure out something I think is smarter and justifies the extra effort, given the amount I have...
  7. P

    How do you know you have enough to drink?

    I think buying a breathalyzer and hosting a "how drunk are you?" party would be great fun.
  8. P

    How do you know you have enough to drink?

    I did not expect the numbers in the linked chart. I see that it is treating a drink as 1oz of 40 proof (opposed to the 1.5oz measure we americans love to use). Still, the chart suggests I could drink 4oz of bourbon and be legal to drive. I don't even think I could ride a bike after having that much.
  9. P

    Use MBA as Career Insurance?

    If the underlying material is all that matters, why not just study it on your own?
  10. P

    How do you know you have enough to drink?

    After a few times drinking too much, I had a solid understanding of what enough is. 1 drink per 100lbs of body weight is a good rule of thumb. Wine is the hardest to judge IMO. It's got a low enough alcohol content that one could empty a bottle into an oversized mug and drink the whole thing...
  11. P

    2011 Crossfit Games on ESPN

    I deplore cardio. I have been doing 15 minutes on the elliptical for the past month, before I lift. This is 4 days a week. It is by far the hardest party of my workout, just because I hate doing it. Wouldn't you know it, the exercise is getting easier. Not only the cardio, but I recover faster...
  12. P

    Did you maintain your Term Life Insurance after ER?

    If your survivors would be ok financially in the event of your passing, you do not need the insurance. The price of the insurance reflects the odds the insurance company thinks they will have to pay a claim on it. I bet you live well past 60, and 70's looking pretty good to! :rofl:
  13. P

    Use MBA as Career Insurance?

    Also, look at the stats on the school: University of Oklahoma (Price) | Best Business School | US News 20% employed upon graduation? Average base salary of 60k? I know teachers earning that, and they get 3 months off of school every year...
  14. P

    Use MBA as Career Insurance?

    It sounds like you already have very good experience. I would think that can land you a decent job without an MBA. Who you know and how they think if you is much more important than the letters behind your name. I think it's important to remember a university is a business, the degree is their...
  15. P

    2011 Crossfit Games on ESPN

    Crossfit has a reputation for injuring people. Physical exhaustion is emphasized to the exclusion of almost everything, including safe form. The top competitors in their games did not develop their athletic ability doing Crossfit. Rather, they were athletes from other sports that came into...
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