Recent content by Rich_by_the_Bay

  1. Rich_by_the_Bay

    Cardiac CT Scan for Calcium

    Sorry about your brother. Too young. I had a stress echo for similar screening (my brother died of sudden death, had massive coronary disease). You may wish to compare the two (Calcium scan v. Stress echo). I think the latter gives better quality information (odds ratios) than the CT calcium...
  2. Rich_by_the_Bay

    Young dad struggling to keep going with chronic pain

    Most recent version of Consumer Reports deals with this in depth, worth a look. In recent years, previous chronic pain syndromes have given way to alternative diagnosis and treatments - not only musculoskeletal. Examples: fibromyalgia, irritable bowel diseases, chronic fatigue, chronic cough...
  3. Rich_by_the_Bay

    File and Suspend

    Not sure whether they considered opportunity cost, compounding etc. But I leave it to others who know more. And as you said, it's found money for just a few hours of work. Congratulations.
  4. Rich_by_the_Bay

    File and Suspend

    That projection was for living to 100 years old. I will give you a call when I get there.
  5. Rich_by_the_Bay

    File and Suspend

    Looks like his complex but attractive Social Security loophole is being closed down in a few months. We have determined that we are eligible and are going for it. The above link explains it better than I can. This could end up as a final benefit tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands...
  6. Rich_by_the_Bay

    Off leash dog problem

    I know. Like they say, "you never know."
  7. Rich_by_the_Bay

    Off leash dog problem

    Time flies. How many years ago did we visit?
  8. Rich_by_the_Bay

    Off leash dog problem

    Understand your point but folks nearby may find such dog behavior threatening and confusing (esp if they are not dog owners). I think the owner may be legally exposed if any damage occurs - even if it was "not your fault." Keep it a non-kissing encounter - yes, there are still people who see a...
  9. Rich_by_the_Bay

    Cranking down the intensity of care at age 75

    Scott Burns on backing off the amount of medical care you want to receive after age 75. Food for thought.
  10. Rich_by_the_Bay

    The Zuckerbergs give it all away (well 99%)

    +2. Zuckerman, Gates, Buffett and other billionaire philanthropists have my profound appreciation and gratitude. It will be interesting to see how they implement the distribution plan.
  11. Rich_by_the_Bay

    Close Call !

    Actually it is pretty common for cardiac trouble to occur a few days or more after surgery, rather than the "day of." Causes include pain-induced hypertension, blood pressure fluctuation from meds, bedrest during early recovery, unrecognized pulmonary embolism, recurrent pain as anesthetics and...
  12. Rich_by_the_Bay

    Stress Echo ok, substantial coronary artery blockage still possible ?

    Please refer to my signature line for the use of this reply. Yes, there are false negative stress echos, probably due to flaws in technique, failure to reach max predicted heart rate, doing the final echo too late after the exercise, inadvertent of beta-blockers etc. IIRC, the false negative is...
  13. Rich_by_the_Bay

    Am I understanding SWR correctly?

    Scott Burns discusses how to spend more for discretionary expenses in the early retirement years, then use inflation-adjusted earnings to ratchet down over time. A bit off topic but interesting nonetheless...
  14. Rich_by_the_Bay

    Can anyone identify this tune?

    Down at Papa Joes
  15. Rich_by_the_Bay

    Does Really Tough Exercise Make You Feel Younger?

    Endorphins may play a role here.
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