Recent content by rob1221

  1. R

    Poor planner needs advice on living on a shoestring

    they recently changed the law you can own property now if you are willing to ride in a tricycle or multicab you can travel for less than 2 bucks
  2. R

    4% rule failures?

    I think institutions like scholarship funds, mega insurance companies etc will be in the equity market as they have been all along, the issue for me is that baby boomers with these 60/40 portfolios will be huge net sellers and I dont see where all a big new cash infows to instutions will come...
  3. R

    4% rule failures?

    Baby boomers will be retiring at a rate of 30,000 per day if they are net sellers of stocks to pay bills who will be the net buyers of those equities? gen X gen Y the chinese? never in history have people attempted to live off 401ks and IRAs with a 60% plus equity portfolio even bogle says you...
  4. R

    4% rule failures?

    junk bonds are better than stocks 6% of my portfolio is in stocks it will never be higher than 10% you are making my point that stocks are not a reliable form of income and the puny sub 2% dividends will force you to sell stocks or equity funds to pay the bills this can not be masked by a fancy...
  5. R

    4% rule failures?

    6% of my portfolio is in stocks it will never be higher than 10% you are making my point that stocks are not a reliable form of income and the puny sub 2% dividends will force you to sell stocks or equity funds to pay the bills this can not be masked by a fancy financial planing fomula unfortunately
  6. R

    USAA &'s "2010 Best Places for Military Retirement"

    Why not live in the Philippines like a king for $600 a month?
  7. R

    4% rule failures?

    I am not sure why people are adding the inflation rate to the 4% withdraw rate. In my book you can take 4% of your net assets per year. If your investment decisions are good your net worth will increase about the rate of inflation even after the 4% annual payout to yourself
  8. R

    Poor planner needs advice on living on a shoestring

    out of the box Hi I am married (to a Filipina) If you can I would move to the Philippines English is widely spoken there and Americans are well liked. You could live like a king even on a early age 62 social security income middle class income there is about $400 a month salary for an...
  9. R

    4% rule failures?

    I have been using the 4% withdrawl and my portfolio has gained except in 2008 but i made back all those losses in 2009. Since we are in a bear market and have been since 2000 BTW the average bear market lasts 18 years. I am still to young to collect social security. I am a 100% Vanguard...
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