Recent content by RobLJ

  1. R

    Anyone else NOT watch the news?

    As a poly-sci (and English) major, I would feel negligent not to access the news, but I use Google News feed, the NYTimes and about a half hour on Sirius radio each day. We use streaming TV and don't even have cable news, I prefer to read. I don't judge, but I've always disliked TV news...
  2. R

    First million is enough

    I often think along the lines of the OP because I realize I'm hanging out with the "fast crowd" here, even though our nut horde is more than sufficient and puts us firmly in the top 10% (apparently) of Net Worth. I probably wouldn't have considered ER without the example of my paternal...
  3. R

    REtiring early at 57 and scared

    Welcome IntheBasement! I was in your position about 8-9 years ago. I also semi-retired at 57 (in 2015) with approximately your assets. A few thoughts and differences 1) As many seem to note, nailing down your heathcare options/cost (and a budget although you seem to have a grip on that) is...
  4. R

    The first million takes the longest to achieve

    I'm really impressed by many of you, although I knew since 2010 or so that I was hanging out here with the 2%ers. Which is cool. We semi-retired (at 57 and 52) at 1.4 million in 2015 and despite drawing 6% or more are at 2.2. I'm about to draw SS at FRA so maybe in 5-7 years we might hit 3...
  5. R

    Blow that Dough 2024

    17k on a heatpump and high efficiency furnace (after the 2k fed tax credit). Long story but current furnace coil in the attic was installed when the house was built in 2005) without a drip pan and on days over 96-98 the condensation drips on the ceiling of the top floor and on the stairs. 2k...
  6. R

    Renewable energy storage technology

    We're in the midst of replacing our AC with a heat pump but found that, for financial reasons, we still needed a gas furnace for backup on the coldest nights (below 25 degrees or so). Heat pump only would have cost about 1.5-2x more, unfortunately, although that may be the unfamiliarity of...
  7. R

    Equities Return are Stellar - should I withdraw some now or wait end of year?

    I do scrape gains from some funds during the year that have shot up surprisingly, rather than selling funds that are lagging; those I will have to add to unless they catch up. One of my core funds, Fidelity Contra is up 45% year over year (a surprising overperformance over the S&P), and I have...
  8. R

    Aggressively Rebalancing Now

    No-one rings a bell at the top. I don't mind scraping some gains each quarter or half year. The last two days may make you feel better. But you never know. I just sell and don't look back. You could argue waiting until the same day every year is a better method, but I doubt it. You're going...
  9. R

    Thoughts on Inherited IRA Withdrawals

    I'm trying to (slowly) do a book for DW (or our sons) on what to do after one or both of us dies. We just had a Nevada will made to replace our Texas will and the question of what happens to my 403b from Texas State Employers and whether it was different from IRA rules has been on my to-do...
  10. R

    Larry Swedroe on the Problems of High US Equity Valuations

    Off and on, I've read Swedlowe for about 20 years and, while I don't always agree with him, I've found him generally to be pretty level-headed. I think he tries to be pretty much fact based, although that means his writing is based in past data (Like FireCalc). I had concerns in 1997 about...
  11. R

    Blow that Dough 2024

    I told DW that we could spend about 20% more at least per year. So she decided, for the first time, we would fly first class to Scotland on the Ft Williams to Inverness hike in June, which is about 4x what the flight would be, but she can't sleep on airplanes, and suffered when we flew to the...
  12. R

    When to Sell Positions With Unrealized Gains

    I will point out that it is likely if you sell over several/3-5 years, the tax (on gains) will be long term capital gains at 15%, which is only 3% over your 12% max, which to my mind is unimportant, although you may well disagree. So you can steadily sell 1/4-1/3 of these positions and move the...
  13. R

    Gambling on beef prices

    I try to slip one in, now and again, just to keep the community on point.
  14. R

    Gambling on beef prices

    I went to jr high and high school in Western Oklahoma (in the 70's), with a wheat field behind our home. You could tell whether beef/wheat prices were high or not because if beef was high, the farmer would run cattle on the wheat. If wheat was high no cattle. It was a a low-grade hedging...
  15. R

    $500,000 per couple primary residence exclusion and inflation

    We're up almost 50% in 7 years but a a ways below the 500k exclusion. My study and two bedrooms are on the lower floor accessed by stairs (it's a basement home) so if the yewt moves out and one of us has trouble with stairs, it might make sense to sell and buy a smaller one story. Or move out...
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