Recent content by srblanco7

  1. S

    2024 Investment Performance Thread

    YTD up 9.2% on 75/18/7 AA. That's inclusive of contributions. Guesstimate w/o contributions would be YTD up 7.5%.
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    I'm Done!! Today was my last shift.

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    How many times did you move the goal posts?

    Many years ago forecasted that we'd have enough in our late 50s to ER. Stock market performance as well as company merger created some positive financial outcomes which meant we had enough to ER at 55. Rather than full ER, I agreed to stay on 3 days/week to facilitate transition to my...
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    Literally: Life After Fire

    Transitioning to RPT (3 days/week) in a few weeks as a first step toward ER. Test case to see how I do with so much "free time". I'm convinced I'll be fine with gym, golf, home-related projects, managing finances, finding creative ways to tire out the dog, etc. DW is less certain. This...
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    The first million takes the longest to achieve

    Adding the years for context 2012 2016 2018 2020 2023 2024 Time to slow down the accumulation focus, drop to RPT, and start living
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    The first million takes the longest to achieve

    The first million took "forever" - 21-22 years. Second million approximately 4 years. Then roughly three years for the next...and so on... Similar to your assessment, the last million was under 3 years (impacted by negative returns in 2022). Noting that I'm still working and adding...
  7. S

    2024 Investment Performance Thread

    Up 7.64% for Q1/24. AA 77%/17%/6%.
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    Race to 2024 - please join :)

    Not headed to full ER, but I submitted my paperwork to transition to RPT (3 days/week or 24 hrs/week) as an initial move. How fast I head to full ER will likely be determined based on if my bosses bungle the transition to my successor. I've trained this person for the last few years to be...
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    Poll: What generation are you?

    Proud Gen X'er here. The independent/latch-key generation. Most are also pretty tech savvy since we grew up with its development.
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    2023 Investment Performance Thread

    This past week was a nice recovery. As of 11/3 +10.25% YTD with AA of 76/18/6.
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    Finger Lakes region - New York

    Syracuse or Rochester
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    Finger Lakes region - New York

    Some solid recommendations so far. I'll add Village of Skaneateles (some very good restaurants), Ithaca Commons / Cornell University, Treman state park, and there are many breweries in the area with Prison City in Auburn being one of my favorites.
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    Race to 2024 - please join :)

    I've let my boss know of my planned exit date of May 2, 2024 (2023 was my OMY). May of 2024 gets us thru our one year with two in college. After that, my sons college is fully funded via his 529. Our planned withdrawal rate would be around 3-3.25% and we'd be retiring at 55. My boss has...
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    2023 Investment Performance Thread

    +12.44% YTD. Estimated AA 76/18/6. Below what many on this board are able to achieve, but I'm happy with the numbers. We're up about $600k YTD, but are still down about $200k from our portfolio value at the end of 2021.
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    remote start in new cars

    I am a fan of remote start, heated seats, and heated steering wheel as I live in a northern climate. That being said, no way I'll sign up for it as a subscription service. Hopefully, there will be a car manufacturer or two who don't get onboard and they will get my business.
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