Recent content by Stalin

  1. S

    Co Q 10

    That isn't totally an IMHO, the tie between blood cholesterol and heart disease is complex. From what I've read, most people don't benefit from statins. Those that do are people who have already had a heart attack, and I think the benefit is minor. Plus whatever benefit the statin gives could be...
  2. S

    REIT vs owning a property yourself

    Aren't bonds only offering 1-2%? What kind of bonds (federal, municipal, corporate, etc)?
  3. S

    REIT vs owning a property yourself

    It seems to be that going with a REIT would be a better idea than buying a property myself. I'm not at the point in my financial life or career where I am ready to settle down and live in a specific town for the next 10+ years. Plus despite the fact that I can make the 20% down payment and the...
  4. S

    Article: American Dream Fades for Generation Y Professionals

    The growth of income inequality, the decoupling of productivity from income gains, the fact that job growth has been stagnant the last 12 years relative to population, the growth in permatemp jobs to replace higher paying jobs with benefits, the rapid growth in education and health care expenses...
  5. S

    I would like to partly retire by my late 40s

    I am in my early 30s, and nowhere in near as good a shape as some of you guys. I graduated college in 2007, and due to the bad economy worked part time jobs or was unemployed for a long period and lived with my parents. I only got a decent job a year ago. Science is very overrated as a career...
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