Recent content by veremchuka

  1. veremchuka

    Vanguard Security Questions Reset

    I changed mine from whatever the max was, maybe 10 positions?, to the full 20 a few months ago. If you can't I'd call Vanguard.
  2. veremchuka

    Vanguard Security Questions Reset

    Having both on the same page would be better as the hacker wouldn't know which was incorrect. But why say their security sucks? I think it is very good. The userid can be 12 positions so maybe 16 or 20 is better but 12 is good. The password can be 20, since when is 20 positions for a password...
  3. veremchuka

    scam or not??

    They'll hang up. Here's why I say that, 2 days ago I get another computer call and it tells me about how their pain remedy. The human shows up 3-4 seconds after that. So the woman comes on and in a whiny nasally high pitched old coot voice I say "Ohhhh I have paaaaaain". She immediately hung up...
  4. veremchuka

    Answers to Security Questions

    No no no, you are wrong. I am asked security questions when I call financial institutions. And you want long complex userids, passwords and meaningless answers to security questions for each place because they are long complex and meaningless! That's why you should use some form of password...
  5. veremchuka


    There are laws against anything that is fun.
  6. veremchuka

    Answers to Security Questions

    I use KeePass for userids, passwords and security questions. I never use the same userid (unless they require my email address which I hate), password or answer to a security question. What hospital were you born in? Blue2 4X treecorn What is you mother's maiden name? 66 excavator 18T What...
  7. veremchuka

    scam or not??

    I read about 6 or 7 replies. Frank, seriously, why would a stranger call you about this? How would or could a stranger ever possibly know this? The fact you even ask about whether it is legit is disturbing for your safety. Please I mean no offense but you need to look at the circumstances...
  8. veremchuka

    Would you do 2.3% 5 year CD with early withdrawal or 3.2% 10 year CD without?

    OP maybe you should check this out Where to stash your cash to make more - CBS News
  9. veremchuka


    Now Walt has the right idea but in a suburban neighborhood that's not an option. I'm out in the sticks but there a a few houses nearby so it isn't worth the risk to me. So here's how to protect your tomatoes or pole beans from 100-200 pound rats AKA deer. This works IF your fenced in area is...
  10. veremchuka


    If you grow your own from seed you can select the varieties. I assure you mine don't taste like tomatoes you buy anywhere including farm stands unless they grow tomato varieties like mine and some do but most don't.
  11. veremchuka

    Do you still save each month if you are retired?

    I save, what else would you call it? I "save" $1500-$1800 per month, I've been retired just over 7 years. I don't need to take distributions from investments, I just have extra income I don't need to spend = "savings". I have always been a LBYN's person and I'm not spending wildy in...
  12. veremchuka


    I use 5' concrete re-enforcing wire cages 22-24" across with 2 5' 1/4" rebar stakes 2 1/2' into the ground. Mine don't fall down even if there's a hurricane.
  13. veremchuka

    Putting emergency fund into bonds

    I can think of many emergencies that having a credit card won't be any better than a stack of newspapers yet I don't keep cash at home. Having almost $40k at Ally seems to be a lost opportunity in that half could go into a taxable account in equities. I learned a hard lesson about having money...
  14. veremchuka

    Taking money out of the USA

    There was no mention what happened other than they discovered her attempting to "smuggle" (my term) the money. It was a small clip in the paper and I haven't seen any follow up.
  15. veremchuka

    Lauren Bacall dead at 89

    I'm saddened to hear this. She was wonderful in "To Have and Have Not".
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