Recent content by youbet

  1. youbet

    my toxic inheritance

    +1 Much consternation over nothing. Liquidate and split the proceeds as dictated by the legal organization documents.
  2. youbet

    Vanguard brokerage fees email

    Well, you can purchase services at either Schwab or Fidelity equivalent to Raymond James or Edward Jones if you need/want them. As a long, long term Schwab customer, I'll say that they DO NOT offer complete and convenient transaction services at their branches. For example, if you have cash...
  3. youbet

    Financial Planning for Assisted Living

    Sure, many times. It's a must if you want to participate in the LTCI vs. self-insure discussions. I just used FireCalc. The potential expenses and the length of time can vary extensively so it's a crap shoot and you can only plan for the worse. Don't expect a narrow range of outcomes. We're...
  4. youbet

    Restaurant adding fee for use of credit card

    We pay cash at restaurants most of the time. It takes less time, especially if you're with a group where each couple has their own check and are using CC's. And there is zero chance of surprise fees or changes to the tip. Usually we've said goodbyes and wandered towards our car by the time...
  5. youbet

    Vanguard, Fidelity or Schwab?

    I found that the transaction fee normally charged for buying Vanguard funds and the fee charged for placing trades with a broker over telephone can be negotiated. I suppose the "big players" can negotiate much more.........
  6. youbet

    Texas Teacher Retirement/other options?

    Not new, but not good.
  7. youbet

    Vanguard, Fidelity or Schwab?

    I'm surprised at this, but my experience was with Schwab and not Fidelity. Schwab will accept and hold Vanguard funds. (Close to half of my Schwab holdings are Vanguard MF's.) And it's easy to negotiate zero transaction fees for Vanguard MF's held at Schwab. You just have to call and ask...
  8. youbet

    7 years FIRE'd and doing way better than expected. Why does that worry me?

    +1. Yep, the level of inflation we've experienced in recent years really screams out that we need to talk about things like net worth in "real" terms.
  9. youbet

    Death of a spouse...and a different story...

    Both are deceased now but they were approximately the same age. They were together from approximately 70 to 83 years old when my dad died. He left her about 10% of his small estate and I got the rest.
  10. youbet

    About death and money

    The concept I try to keep in mind as DW and I pass further and further into geezerhood is to remember to reward those who help you in this time of need. There is no need for "equity" in planning for inheritances. Reward those who are there for you.
  11. youbet

    Death of a spouse...and a different story...

    There ya go! My dad followed that route and it worked out very, very well. They lived separately but saw each other most everyday. She planned their social calendar: bridge club, boating club outings, etc. He picked up most of the tabs for their nights out, wine and booze kept at her house...
  12. youbet

    Moved into CCRC today

    The Friendship Village scenario was an eye-opener for us and taught us a lesson on how deep your deep-dive must be while researching these places. I've followed the bankruptcy with great interest over this past year or so. It turns out the deposit money was considered unsecured debt and...
  13. youbet

    QCD confused

    On the 1099 you get from Schwab, does it say "Taxable Amount Not Determined?" And you provide the information to your tax software to separate the taxable and non-taxable portions?
  14. youbet

    Use It or Lose It Letter From Credit Card

    Why do you think it'll be 32 months next time?
  15. youbet

    Medigap decision between plan G and G+

    F is grandfathered for life for us geezers who already had it when new subscribers were not longer allowed.
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