Recent content by zoey

  1. Z

    Current Income Vs. Retirement Income

    Gross income was a bit over $100K, but our living expenses were only about one third of the gross. That number included a mortgage that we don't have now that we are retired. So, our living expenses in retirement are less than 20% of pre-retirement gross.
  2. Z

    Surgery/body Work

    If I had the money, I would definitely consider some lazer work on my face. Maybe a photo facial and some other minor things like filling in some lines and maybe some botox. Maybe a thread lift instead of a full on face lift. The reason: I'm 56 and was always pretty and lately--last year--I am...
  3. Z

    Just Got My IRS $600 Refund

    $1,200 showed up in our checking account yesterday. Not planning to spend any of it.
  4. Z

    Possible To Retire On $600,000?

    We have less saved for retirement than you do and it's working for us. Our monthly expenses are less than $1,600 and we're not in the Ozarks. We're in Hawaii, which has to be one of the more expensive areas in the nation. However, it all depends on your lifestyle. We live simply, which is our...
  5. Z

    A Question for the Women on the Board

    Never watched the TV show and have zero interest in seeing the movie.
  6. Z

    living the life you envisioned? or totally changed?

    Retirement came suddenly, so I didn't have time to have a vision of what I thought it would be like. I had planned to retire at the earliest in two years, probably more like four, when I was laid off. Family talked me into pulling the plug...job was really stressful and they feared that it would...
  7. Z

    How many times have you broken a bone?

    None, but being a woman and not playing contact sports probably helps.
  8. Z

    Question about Portland and Eugene OR

    When I lived between Portland and Eugene, I found that the gloom was a bit hard to take. In the winter you can go for a very long time without seeing blue sky. The grey was depressing. I was happy to move away. If I had stayed I would have looked into getting one of those light boxes that people...
  9. Z

    Puzzling weight gain

    Yeah, it's probably the muscle weighing more than fat thing like everyone has already mentioned. Just one other thing, watch out for high fructose corn syrup. I didn't realize just how bad that stuff is and didn't know that it was in lots of foods I was eating. In particular, Power Bars. I...
  10. Z

    Study - Slobby guys create more work for wives

    Shawn, there also seems to be more and more young women who see little advantage to marriage. My two daughters, for instance, both feel that if they can't find someone who adds something positive to their lives, then why marry. They have happy lives and don't see the point of marrying someone...
  11. Z

    have a routine - out of house by 9/10am?

    No, most mornings I stay home. I've been retired for about six months only, so still trying to get comfortable with a routine. Tried having certain days for this and that, like grocery shopping, but that didn't last long. Now I just run errands when I feel like it, or when I need something and...
  12. Z

    After RE, do you keep in touch with former coworkers?

    Nope. I worked for a megacorp and telecommuted, as did most of my coworkers. We met in person at most once per year, so I wasn't really friends with anyone. Also, I'm so happy to finally have gotten away from the corporate environment that I prefer to have zero ties.
  13. Z

    Jimmy McCain: Marine

    I'm not a McCain supporter, but I respect that he isn't one of the politicians who supports the war and yet only sends other people's children to war, not his own.
  14. Z

    Have you ever felt humiliated for looking "poor"?

    No, but then I tend to be completely unaware of other people when I'm doing something like trying to cram something too big into my car. Also, I tend not to care what other people think. I think that it was harder on our kids when they were growing up especially since we were living in...
  15. Z

    Hard times --- Kids Moving Back In with Mom and Dad

    Texarkandy, thanks for the response to my question. I think you've summed it up. The value is placed on the man being a "self-reliant provider/producer." What I noticed on this thread is that people are complaining about either living with family, or spending time with them during a visit and...
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