Search results

  1. RISP

    The Economist: Baby-boomers are loaded. Why are they so stingy?

    I don't think this recent Economist article has been shared here before. It discusses that on average, baby boomers spend less in retirement than assumed by the usual economic models. "In the recent past old people behaved like old people behave in economic models. In the mid-1990s, those aged...
  2. RISP

    Filing early or late for SS in various countries

    Inspired by a recent thread, I decided to look up how benefits change if you file early or late for Germany's "gesetzliche Rente" (basically our version of Social Security). The earliest age to draw Rente is 48 months before FRA (so, at age 63). Benefits are reduced by -0,3% for each month that...
  3. RISP

    Do threads have a max number of pages?

    Hi. I have an e-mail subscription to this thread: It informs me about new posts, but I cannot see them anymore if I follow the link in the e-mail, or open the thread in my browser. Now I...
  4. RISP

    Need advice on a real estate sale - house might sell above asking price

    Hi friends, I could use some advice. The situation is as follows: My DW inherited her mother's house a while back, and now that we have finally sorted out the estate and sold/donated/given away/thrown out her belongings, we are ready to sell. I decided to handle that myself, as the RE market...
  5. RISP

    Mortgage refinance - Which rate would you choose?

    Hi everyone, I'm in the process of refinancing our home mortgage and could use some advice. 4.5 years ago I went with a 5-year-fixed mortgage, which turned out to be the right choice over the 10-year-fixed. Signore Draghi has been suppressing rates all over Europe so much that I can get an even...
  6. RISP

    Help me evaluate this investment

    Hi there, I've been following this company for a while now, but it's stock is not behaving as I would expect: DL:EN Amsterdam Stock Quote - Delta Lloyd NV - Bloomberg Markets Full disclaimer: I have a small position in DL in my gambling account. It is currently down -45%. I guess this tells you...
  7. RISP

    The coolest travel expense claim in the history of mankind

    In 1969, Buzz Aldrin had to fill in a travel voucher for his trip to the moon to receive USD 33.31. How awesome is that?!
  8. RISP

    Has anybody worked with Mercer's International Position Evaluation System (IPE)?

    Hello. I was wondering whether anybody on this board has experience with Mercer's International Position Evaluation System (IPE). We have some (former) HR professionals, as well as many middle and senior managers, so I guess some of you may have come across it during your careers. Very...
  9. RISP

    Poll:After becoming FI, did it get easier or harder to deal with office BS?

    In a recent thread, member Grigori posted the following statement: I'm wondering how other members who are already FI see this. I would expect that once the pressure of needing a paycheck is off, one would not be stressed by ANYTHING. If you don't need the money, what do you have to lose...
  10. RISP

    Maybe those lousy 2% raises are better than I thought

    Over the last several years, I always managed to beat my annual savings targets, despite slowly increasing cost of living (aka inflation) and mostly quite modest pay raises. I wondered why that was the case, so I modeled an example in MS Excel to study this. All figures in this example are...
  11. RISP

    The honest job interview

    This cartoon is brilliant, IMO: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal Warning: Other daily installments of SMBC often contain some language or sexual content, so it is NSFW, I guess. This one is not problematic, though.
  12. RISP

    Is a college degree a better investment today than 50 years ago?

    Hi! I read an article by Joseph E. Stiglitz today in which he claims the following: "And with wages of those who have only a high school diploma at 62 percent of the typical college grad’s earnings—compared with 81 percent in 1965—the prospects are they will be poorer than their parents."...
  13. RISP

    Job description: What does "Deals well with ambiguity" mean?

    Hi all, I've been contacted by a headhunter about a job listing that sounds quite interesting. We haven't talked yet, so I don't know if their client is willing to offer a package which might entice me to change positions. The job description fits my profile very well and overall looks pretty...
  14. RISP

    US Still Bringing Home WWII Dead

    Interesting article about efforts to bring home the remains of US service men who died in past conflicts: Killed in Action: Reconstructing Casualties - SPIEGEL ONLINE I found it quite surprising that 5x as many cases are from Korea, compared to Vietnam. Especially since the Korean War was much...
  15. RISP

    Need new baseball glove - can you recommend something?

    My current glove is getting soft, so I'm looking for a replacement. I'm mostly pitching, but sometimes filling in at several infield positions (2B, 3B, SS). I'm looking for a relatively small model - 11 3/4 or 12 inches. Preferrably light brown, but black is also OK. I've used low-end Rawlings...
  16. RISP

    Tax question - what do I sell first in retirement?

    Here's some background info about the situation: Until 2008, capital gains were not taxed in Germany if the stock (or stock fund) was held for more than one year. This rule has been abolished as of 01.01.2009. Therefore I own some ETFs which I bought before that date, and any capital gains on...
  17. RISP

    30-year old German FI wannabe

    Hello. Long-time lurker, hit a milestone today and decided to celebrate by finally joining the forums. The bank transfer for my July salary arrived early, and it pushed my portfolio balance over the 100,000 Euro mark for the first time ever. About me: I’m 30 years old, German, and have been...
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