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    More Doctors Opting Out of Medicare. Should we worry?

    I've only been on Medicare for a month or so, but so far I am not impressed. I wish I could have stayed with my Aetna HMO. I do not have a warm fuzzy feeling about the doctors I'm finding available to me.
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    More Doctors Opting Out of Medicare. Should we worry?

    I used that finder recently and found several doctors listed who actually don't accept Medicare when I called to inquire. :nonono:
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    More Doctors Opting Out of Medicare. Should we worry?

    Hmmm. Well, my own personal experience has not jived with that Kaiser report. I live in a major metro area and have been stymied by the lack of physicians accepting medicare. I called to schedule a routine colonoscopy just this morning (my father died of colon cancer) and was advised that the...
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    More Doctors Opting Out of Medicare. Should we worry?

    Many of us are approaching (or are already enrolled in) Medicare. Several of my friends in the Houston area have advised me of the difficulty they have had finding doctors who will accept Medicare. I find this both annoying and worrisome, to say the least. I was at my PCP earlier this week...
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    Ignorance is Scary

    Hey Al... what was your thread topic again??
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    How's your eyesight?

    Sorry to hear of your diagnosis, Marita. My father had macular degeneration, so I have a fear of that. My eyesight is getting progressively worse, but so far is correctable with lenses. I recently tried to wear progressive lens glasses (no line bifocal) but they made me so dizzy and...
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    Taxable Dividends, Interest and the dreaded RMD - what to do?

    And may I say, "ditto." Seems like all the tax cards are stacked against us. ;D
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    Where to start?

    Thanks for all the suggestions; I appreciate the feedback!
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    Poll:What is the most you've ever spent on a pair of shoes ?

    Frye boots; $300 several years ago, and worth every penny.
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    Clothing: What's the most you've ever spent? (POLL)

    I'm afraid the "snark factor" of that would make it a free-for-all condemning my frivolous economic foibles. Some things are better kept to ones self. ;D
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    Pushed out and considering staying out...

    In this day and age, I wasn't sure the "SO" is a female, let alone a "SAHM." I never assume anything anymore. :laugh:
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    More arguing after ER?

    Bingo! My "spot" is usually upstairs and he's downstairs in the den. (Of course, he isn't retired yet so we'll see when the yelling starts in a couple of years. ;D) We have always been pretty good at "co-existing" because we know when to leave each other alone. In Brewer's case, he has a...
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    Clothing: What's the most you've ever spent? (POLL)

    I'm typically an off-the-rack shopper, so my biggest investments in my past life (working) would have been business suits. Now that I'm retired, I spend very little on clothes. I do have an unnatural obsession with nice handbags, however. I'm not going to say how much $$ I have "invested" in...
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    Pushed out and considering staying out...

    Howdy and welcome. I can't speak to how others use FireCalc, but personally I don't include our home's value in our calculations. It is mortgage free and we will likely stay here, so obviously we won't realize the value unless the house is sold. Good luck to you.
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    More arguing after ER?

    Hopefully your family is just suffering a bit of temporary lifestyle transition pains and things will smooth out for you with new routines. Good luck to you.
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    Where to start?

    Thanks to all who responded! I'm looking at the recommended books and trying to pick the "Simpleton's Guide" so my eyes won't glaze over. (No matter where I look, it's acronym hell. :D) I need someone to speak slowly in single syllables and use diagrams!!!
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    Where to start?

    Yep, all my retirement money is still sitting there in the company plan; it has rebounded very well after the 2008 fiasco. I know I don't need to do anything with it until I'm 70 1/2, but I'm sure there are smarter options we need to consider. I have a small amount of savings in a CD (gasp)...
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    Where to start?

    Thanks! I remember being here back when you were in "countdown to retirement" mode! I appreciate the recommendations. Yep, it's me!! :D Thanks for your kind words. I guess I'll be hangin' around for a bit, trying to figure things out. We still love the Bounder! Thank goodness, I...
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    Where to start?

    Thank you! I have gleaned a bit of random "stuff" from the rubber chicken dinners, so they have been worth the price of admission ($0). ;D I actually have a significant number of shares of Exxon stock with a cost basis of $5 and up, so I know I must exercise the NUA! (Or at least I think...
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    Where to start?

    Thanks very much; I'm headed to Amazon right now with my list! ;D I guess we thought the FA was a good idea until we realized just how much that "1.5% fee" actually is. YIKES.
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    Where to start?

    Hello everyone. I haven't been around these parts in a while. I ER'd back in 2009, and upon doing so I left all my savings stashed in the company plan, as it is mostly stock and has done pretty well, considering. (No need to gasp and clutch your pearls; I have heard all the "you're doing it...
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    I just saw the pics of the new rig, congrats!! She's a beauty. Do you have any trips planned for the summer?
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    NICE!!! And congrats to your DW! :dance:
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    Many door and storage compartment keys/locks are indeed the same. And I hope you have a ladder if you plan to break into a Class A. They are TALL.
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    We are cooling our heels for a while, waiting till the fall for anymore long trips. We will do a few weekend jaunts to exercise the generator, but it's too dang hot for travel in the south. Wish we could get to Maine!
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