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  1. hakuna matata

    For those OMY folks

    This article might help put it in perspective. It is a long blog post but well worth reading (actually all of this guys stuff is to be honest). But this one in particular seems appropriate for those people thinking OMY. It helps to see in a graphic form how much time one truly has and this puts...
  2. hakuna matata

    Voting while in the Military

    So my daughter married someone who is stationed in Hawaii--and she now lives there (since June of this year). Today her ballot came in the mail addressed to her here at this address. Is she a resident here in Washington State or a resident of Hawaii for voting purposes? When your spouse is in...
  3. hakuna matata

    It's enough to bring a tear to an old mans eye...

    Today is my 56th birthday (woot) AND I have been retired one year. BUT the best birthday present I got was my daughter emailed me and wanted to know 'how' she could fund her ROTH IRA by herself! (She got married this last June, I know, 20 years old but what are you going to do right!) Anyhoo she...
  4. hakuna matata

    Would you be friends with your sibling?

    If you weren't family? I saw this question on another message board I frequent, and with my two older sisters coming for a visit here in a couple of weeks, it got me thinking. "I" know I would, well for the most part. I am pretty close with three sisters and one brother, the other brother...
  5. hakuna matata

    Empty Nesters

    Amazing what a year can bring. One year ago, still both working and had our daughter and one of her friends living here. Today: Both retired for six months or more, put my daughter on a plane to Hawaii today to be with her new husband, and her friend has moved out too. So we are truly empty...
  6. hakuna matata

    Fiat started again for first time in a century

    This is cool--well if you like cars it is cool! Watch A 28.5L Fiat Start For The First Time In A Century And Be Afraid The video is cool. Love the sounds and the fire-farts!
  7. hakuna matata

    Your most pleasant surprise after retirement?

    As I woke up today at 8, it dawned on me that since our retirement that my wife and I have adjusted to sleeping in quite easily! We both used to get up at 4:15am for most of our adult lives. And we have talked to several other people who had retired before us, and to a fault they all said they...
  8. hakuna matata

    Are you routine oriented?

    And if so, disturbed if someone or something disturbs that set routine? I was thinking of that this morning at the gym. We go right when they open up, and there is a core group of about 15 people, and for the most part, each person seems to park their car in the exact same spot in the parking...
  9. hakuna matata

    The Future, Past and Present

    Some idle wandering thoughts this morning so I thought why not share and see what the ER masses think. I turn 55 years old this year and was just wondering this morning what I would have told my past Hakuna Matata twenty years ago at age 35 based on what has transpired the past 20 years. But...
  10. hakuna matata

    Shingles Vaccination

    I had a physical on Tuesday and asked for the Shingle vaccination shot (I am only 55). My wife had the shingles last year, and based on her pain, etc. I would not wish those on my worst enemy! But since I am not 60 I had to pay for it, but I figured $200 is well worth it. The info I got said...
  11. hakuna matata

    Was your leaving work typical or atypical?

    The reason I ask is that I feel I am having an atypical removal from the workforce. I am waiting until Sept of this year to be officially retired but for all intents and purposes I am right now. The reason I am waiting is that my wife needs to get her 20 years in at the city, so I have agreed to...
  12. hakuna matata

    How did you come up with your Username here?

    I am always curious as to how people choose their moniker on message boards. Some of the stories are fascinating and I am always up for a fascinating story. I will go first: I first started visiting message boards when my daughter was quite young and The Lion King was playing when I joined...
  13. hakuna matata

    Running for an elected office

    Any of you ever have that desire? I ask because one of my neighbors is running for County Assessor and I can't imagine a worse fate! For me being FIRE means I am not beholden to anyone. Being elected in theory means you work for everyone. That is not for me I am afraid. I like only answering to...
  14. hakuna matata

    Not all Pizzas are created equal

    Pizza, I loves me some good pizza, but I loathe bad pizza. About a month ago we tried this place that someone raved about, but it was pretty bad. First time I have had pizza that didn't have any sauce, all cheese, man I felt like I gained 20 pounds from the salt in all that cheese. Last night...
  15. hakuna matata

    Upgrading the Garage

    Okay now that my deck is finished I am thinking I need to upgrade my garage. I have a very nice 3 car garage but the cabinets/workbench is sort of a hodge podge of things accumulated over the years. So I am thinking of updating it with new cabinets. Anyone ever do this? What kind of cabinets...
  16. hakuna matata

    sigh...I guess Einstein was right

    About time. I swear as I get closer and closer to my retirement date, time seems to be slowing down! 139 work days left but it seems like 130 years. I envy those of you that just up and decided to retire with little notice because this anticipation is killing me. How did you all handle the...
  17. hakuna matata

    All my friends are

    An interesting by product of early retirement it seems is that the vast majority of people we seem to hang with these days are alll older than us by a good 10 years! Has anyone else who retired early found this to be the case as well? Tomorrow afternoon we are going to one of their houses to...
  18. hakuna matata

    I guess I am ready after all

    I have 218 workdays left (not that I am counting or anything) which is 10 months and 9 calendar days for those people who insist on keeping track :) But I did something today that really drove the point home to me that I am ready to go. About 3 years ago I went out on my own and opened my own...
  19. hakuna matata

    Zoom like you are on CSI This photo is amazing. You can zoom in, and keep zooming. I love this, I picked a car way off in the distance and was able to read the license plate. I realize this is a bit better than the farce on CSI where...
  20. hakuna matata

    How long to adjust your sleep patterns?

    I am not retired yet, soon but not yet. But my wife and I both work from home now most of the week but we do have to go in a couple days and thus haven't modified our wake up time. I have gotten up at 4:15 am for the last 15 years. Now that I work from home I still get up then and hit the gym...
  21. hakuna matata

    Big Splurge on Retirement

    Just curious if anyone here would cop to a big splurge on retirement. It seems a natural thing to do, but my sense is that it would go against the grain of most people here, given their savings patterns and LBYM. My wife and I have always lived that same way, but we do spend money on certain...
  22. hakuna matata

    My worries are over!

    First I got an email stating that someone from Bank of America that they had deposited $66million into my account, and all I had to do was click on the attachment to verify it was correct. and my fortune out of my fortune cookie last night was this: 'you are going to have a very...
  23. hakuna matata

    It's raining spiders

    Okay if you are squeamish or afraid of spiders, you might want to skip this video. BUT for the more adventuresome souls out there, this was way cool in a freaky kind of way. Evidently this isn't uncommon in Brazil and it is a large net like web that the spiders use to catch insects. But damn...
  24. hakuna matata

    New trends in men's fashion??!!

    I've Seen the Future of Men's Fashion and I'm Afraid | Photo Gallery - Yahoo! Shine Now as an Architect I try and keep and open mind and give a lot of leeway towards design expression...but too much is too much! I have to admit I laughed through this entire collection...
  25. hakuna matata

    Pitch-drop experiment or watching grass grow

    Now I am sure this thread will drop quickly as this is some boring stuff--but I found it fascinating! The Pitch Drop Experiment | School of Mathematics and Physics and Pitch drop experiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia First that someone could keep an experiment like that going for...
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