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  1. K

    Year Form 5498 first used?

    Hey there... I have a Traditional IRA I started in 1984 with a 1983 tax year contributions. I contributed most years through 1997. I'm considering rolling some of that TIRA into a Roth. I've been looking at past taxes and paperwork and don't see any 5498 forms for 1983-1985... Does anyone...
  2. K

    what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

    I'm updating my spreadsheet on my IRA/ROTH. Have been thinking of converting some of my IRA or even my 401k at some point to my ROTH. So many things to look at... which is a subject for another thread I'm sure. But one thing I did find over the past few days of sorting, shredding, trashing...
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