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  1. F

    ETF purchases in a Roth...

    Good evening fellow Dreamers! I would like to ask a question about making purchases in a ROTH IRA account. Lets assume the following: 1. A certain young dreamer decided invest exactly $5000 in their roth annually and that this was their primary investment vehicle for the time being. 2...
  2. F

    Help for a friend's 401k Choices

    Hello! A friend of mine is asking which would be a good choice for her company 401K, She is contributing up to the match and has the following choices available. 003008 - Reed, Conner and Birdwell, Inc. .85 ER 007808 - ABN AMRO Stable Value .5 ER 025208 - FMT/Royce Micro-Cap Inv...
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    Does anyone own a Long/Short Fund like GGHEX - GMO Alpha Only Fund III

    I was reading this article below and found this "gem" but the fund has a $10,000,000 minimum. (Whoops) Does anyone know if there is a Fidelity loophole for this fund. (I've heard that...
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    Looking for unleveraged Bear Market ETF's or Mutual funds

    I have been looking through yahoo's etf screener recently to see which funds had the best performance in the last few months. Not surprisingly nearly every fund was an Ultrashort or short fund. Does anyone know if any other etf's which could provide for an upside in a market when it is down...
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    Possible AA

    Ok, peoples. I have come up with an AA for the first 11 years. Does this make any sense. Also I am having a hard time choosing between SPY or VTI. A. 75% Domestic Equity of which 5% common Energy companies Stock 10% Various stock to even out SPY overweights) (Still working on this, PGH...
  6. F

    Buying stock (certificates) as gifts - ?

    Hi, I was thinking of buying some gov bonds, or stock certificates for some relatives for christmas. But the only place I've found so far is which has a $39 transfer fee but it only allows you to buy one share. Hence the comical name of the site. I was wondering, is there a...
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    Can Hope Scholarship Tax Credit Offset Capital Gains

    I am a full time student and was wondering if I could use my hope scholarship credit to offset capital gains. I have paid thousands in tuition and all it has reduced my income tax liability to zero. But, I was wondering if I had a small cap gain of a few hundred, could i use my remaining credit...
  8. F

    Is DCA into SPY a good idea if?

    Hi, I was wondering If DCA into SPY was a good idea for my roth if: a. I use sharebuilder at $4/ transaction b. I Set the option to only make a purchase when the account balance reaches $1000 ($96 weekly pay decuction x 11[weeks]) (Investing more frequently than 13 weeks to get...
  9. F

    What have I done?

    Hola Todos! I just opened my first account with T Rowe, I am DCA $100 into PRMSX, and $100 into PRNEX. I am a single full time student (27), I have 35 years until FIRE, I beg borrow and steal to make $27K, (hence the full time student-part :-) and am probably doing this all wrong, but heck...
  10. F

    Best way to buy SPY for Roth? & Does tax efficiency matter in Roth?

    Hi, I am new to this whole retirement arena and am currently torn between trrnx, trrmx, and just purchasing spy by itself. I was wondering what the cheapest way to purchase SDY as part of monthly DCA program, or if i used something like sharebuilder, would I be better if just bought it every...
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