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  1. check6

    Best CD, MM Rates & Bank Special Deals Thread 2023 - Please post updates here

    Purchased 12 mth CD with 5.25% APR from Wings Financial CU this morning. Betting that rates will drop in January. I'll kick the dog if they go up.
  2. check6

    Best CD, MM Rates & Bank Special Deals Thread 2023 - Please post updates here

    Seems rates are beginning to fall. My Wings Federal CU 12 mth CD was 5.40% until just a few days ago and is now 5.25%
  3. check6

    Getting a prostate PSA test directly

    For the last 10 years at my job, I was required to have a physical every 6 months so I kept up with an annual PSA test for the most part. Retired for 14 years and have been lax so I went to the Mayo (love this place) for a consult. Had the PSA result an hour after taking blood (1.3). Whew...
  4. check6

    Best CD, MM Rates & Bank Special Deals Thread 2023 - Please post updates here

    Wasn't what I had hoped. My CU is still offering 5.40% for a 12 mth CD compounded quarterly if less than $100,000, monthly if above. May purchase more now with no Fed rate increase.
  5. check6

    What was your happiest moment today?

    This kit comes in various sizes and would be a good test:
  6. check6

    What was your happiest moment today?

    Safely landing today after the weather unexpectantly closed in around me and no place else to go.
  7. check6

    Best CD, MM Rates & Bank Special Deals Thread 2023 - Please post updates here

    My Wings 3.21% CD is maturing and they are offering a 12 mth trade up to 5.40% with no penalty for early withdrawal.
  8. check6

    Any Effective Tinnitus Therapies?

    Isn't that the truth. Haven't noticed it all day until there was a link to this thread and I foolishly opened it. I can hear the hissing now.
  9. check6

    Where is the used car price going?

    I am with you re my '05 Camry with a cracked windshield that I inherited and is still going strong. Wife is too embarrassed to ride in it. I keep threatening to buy a newer one and she threatens back with div if I do.
  10. check6

    Any Effective Tinnitus Therapies?

    +1 Exactly the same for me.
  11. check6

    Poll: Peanut Butter, Smooth or Crunchy?

    Alan, didn't know they had peanut butter in England or much of Europe.
  12. check6

    Poll: Peanut Butter, Smooth or Crunchy?

    +1 on Jif Crunchy.....I eat nothing else.
  13. check6

    Best CD, MM Rates & Bank Special Deals Thread 2023 - Please post updates here

    AMEX seems to lag in their CD rates. I am getting 5.30% for an 11-month CD thru Wings Financial CU.
  14. check6

    Best source for cheap international flights?

    For cheap airfairs consider marrying someone in the airline industry. The more senority they have the better. Even though I was already employed by an airline, I married my wife for her senority. It also helped that she was kinda cute too. "Marry me and fly for free."
  15. check6

    what do you spend on hobbies, in retirement?

    I agree. I spend 80% of my money on planes, the rest I just waste.
  16. check6

    Why move to Florida?

    I drove across beautiful WI (Crivitz to Minneapolis) yesterday and it reminds me of America long ago in a good way. This morning retraced my route in my airplane and it looks even better at a thousand feet.
  17. check6

    We need more light rails

    The extension in Minneapolis was to open this year but has been put off until 2027 with massive cost overruns. Ridership is way down due to crime and homeless on board. Rode it for the first time in over two years and I will never ride it again.
  18. check6

    Can't Justify an Expensive Hobby Even If I Can Afford It

    Nice yacht! I'd be a buyer. Went to college in Hawaii...majored in sailing.
  19. check6

    Your Bucket List Disappointments

    Early in the morning is not too shabby either.
  20. check6

    Your Bucket List Disappointments

    I have probably made over 100 North Alantic crossing from "up front" and could not agree more about the view especially when the Northern Lights are present. There is something magical feeling all alone in the middle of the Atlantic at night.
  21. check6

    Help me plan a Bermuda vacay

    I lived there for three years when I was a kid. Wife and I did a cruise abouit 10 years ago where the boat docked in Hamilton for a couple days then docked in St. George. We liked the idea of a cruise and not having to search out a hotel. Rented scooters and rode two up. Speed limit on the...
  22. check6

    Can't Justify an Expensive Hobby Even If I Can Afford It

    Ouch! One way to avoid that is to fly a fix gear:
  23. check6

    Switzerland - September 2023

    You have picked my favorite country in the world and Souschef nailed it in his post. I have been going to Wengen since 1976. The view from there overlooking the Lauterbrunnen Valley is not to be missed.
  24. check6


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