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  1. K

    Is this guy crazy or what

    Does anyone follow the "Financial Independence" Reddit subforum? I have been for awhile, but get more and more convinced the average age there has to be in the low 20's and probably 99% nowhere near FIRE. The guy below says he's RE'd at age 32 with a $750K portfolio of which $500K is in real...
  2. K

    All the old people out during the day

    Honestly this was my biggest adjustment to ER at 40. SO MANY OLD PEOPLE! Apparently they avoid the weekends when the "young kids" are out, and come out during the week. Yes, God Bless them, we're all going to be that age one day, and my own parents are among them -- but still -- it takes some...
  3. K

    Article shows even best active stock trading still loses to simple index funds

    This interesting article in today's Washington Post... So you’re the world’s greatest trader? Taxes will fix that. - The Washington Post [edited -- looks like the Post just copied from ]
  4. K

    Anybody live the RV life?

    In my 20's, my goal was to ER and buy a big RV and travel the country. Now that I'm ER'd (early 40's), I've gone to a bunch of RV shows and walked through 100-some RV's of all sizes, and I have some doubts. Even the nicest ones feel a little flimsy. I stomp through like I normally walk and I...
  5. K

    Fidelity's "professionally managed" service

    I posted here a few years ago when I sold my business and put a chunk of money into Fidelity's "professional advisory service." : I decided to experiment a bit to see if it was worth...
  6. K

    Putting the "40" of the 60/40 portfolio allocation into your house?

    Well, I'm trying it. Instead of buying a bunch of dumb 3% bonds, I've put my 40% "safe" portion of my portfolio into a big ole' house. I figured this is pretty bottom of the market (and got my house at about half of the appraisal) so it can't improve any worse than those bonds. Can it?!
  7. K

    $500K income, 800 credit score -- rejected for home loan?

    Holy crap, this mortgage market is STRICT! I applied for a new conventional home loan (under $417K), was putting down 70% down payment, home assessed almost twice the purchase price, made $500K in my business last year and $3 million the year before... and was rejected! (I ended up paying cash)...
  8. K

    Former employer won't let me go!

    I hadn't planned for this reaction: I retired last Friday, and I had given my boss two months notice, though he ignored it until last Thursday when he assigned me a three month long project and told me I had to finish it before I could leave (he wasn't kidding, either... just one of those...
  9. K

    Officially FIRE'd today!

    I've been lurking around here for about a year, but today was finally the day for me -- age 40, no dependents, and a million things I want to do now that I'm free (well, 28 at least, because I listed them all). I guess I first need to unwind though after almost 20 years of type A personality...
  10. K

    Loneliness of ER -- where are all the other ER's?

    I tried semi-retirement with my "lifestyle" business over the past five years (2 weeks work, 2 weeks slacking off or on vacation) and I honestly found it sort of depressing. During the day, the only people "out" around town are the elderly, housewives and I suppose the chronically unemployed...
  11. K

    Here's what my 1% fee Fidelity Portfolio Advisors have me in

    I put in $800K with them last October after the crash, dollar cost averaging over the past three months. Here's what their "experts" put it in, and the gains since then. They also sold some and realized a $35K capital gains loss for me on top of those results. Hope it'll be worth their 1% fee...
  12. K

    Hi... age 40, $3M, should I retire?

    I recently sold my business and currently have $2.95M in liquid assets after taxes. I'm still working for the company that acquired mine, at $180K a year, but the stress and BS have me coming home everyday saying I really don't need this, so why am I here? I have a non-compete but not under...
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