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  1. Mill

    A Growing Cult of Millennials Is Obsessed With Early Retirement.

    from Flipboard : A Growing Cult of Millennials Is Obsessed With Early Retirement. This 72-Year-Old Is Their Unlikely Inspiration http://A Growing Cult of Millennials Is Obsessed With Early Retirement.
  2. Mill

    A close call! (almost got terminated!)

    Its been a rough couple of weeks at work. I mean real rough! Not the normal, "I dont want to be here anymore" type of stuff. I work for a fortune 500 company who employs contractors to do some day-labor type of work. The contractors do not do easy work, in fact its pretty dangerous, hard...
  3. Mill


    Do the supplements you take have a noticeable effect in the way you feel? example) give you more energy? make you feel more alert? whatever. The "How many pills in your daily schedule?" thread got me thinking. I am on no prescriptions, but Im only 31 so hopefully it will stay like...
  4. Mill

    selling assets for tax efficiency

    I need some help as I will have a big decision coming up with buying a new car. Hopefully my current one will last awhile, but its not looking very likely. Im concerned about the most tax efficient way to draw out some money from my taxable accounts. Speaking with another Boglehead friend of...
  5. Mill

    12 most overrated jobs. (article)

    12 Most Overrated Jobs | Power Your Future - Yahoo! Finance
  6. Mill

    Roth IRA contribution limit for 2012?

    5000 again?
  7. Mill

    IRA 2011: What did or will you buy?

    What did you or will you buy for your 2011 Roth or Traditional IRA contribution? I needed international stocks so I went with VGTSX. :greetings10:
  8. Mill

    Roth IRA contribution limit for 2011?

    Anyone know if the FED has announced the limit someone can contribute for 2011? I know that now is about the time of the year the FED announces what inflation is/was for 2010. Im trying to plan ahead here, because I always make a LS contribution to my roth come the first of January... :angel:
  9. Mill

    questions about starting salary at megacorp

    I have some concerns regarding potenitally being hired onto megacorp. After searching the forums for as much information as I can mostly about salary negotiations, some questions I have remain unanswered. I would like to get as much feedback from anyone who might have information about...
  10. Mill

    Oh boy! What am I gonna buy?!

    This is one of my favorite times of the year with NCAA football bowl season coming up, and holidays, and vacations and all. But a big thing Im looking forward to; is 2010 Roth IRA contribution time. ;D Im not big on DCA into my Roth, so after my projected hangover on the first of January...
  11. Mill

    shopping addiction

    old article, but interesting. Shopping Addiction: A Serious Problem - CBS Evening News - CBS News
  12. Mill

    IRA contributions to remain at same levels for 2010

    fwiw. 2010 Traditional and Roth IRA Contribution Limits
  13. Mill

    401k or taxable account?

    I have a delimma, and I need some advice about the best long term investing strategy. My current situation: I LBYM on a very small portion of my income. So that leaves most of my paycheck to go into savings of some kind. The first thing that gets funded is my Roth IRA. (usually at the...
  14. Mill

    They cut my 401(k) match!

    I have been at my little ESOP company now for almost 3 years, and they announced that effective immediately, due to insurance premiums, our 3% match of 50 cents on the dollar would be eliminated. I know it is/was not a very competitive match, but now...its gone.>:( Is there anything that can...
  15. Mill

    Got my nw to 50k today!

    Ive been looking forward to this number for awhile, and wanted to celebrate tonight, but Im stuck in Central Arkansas on storm work. (oh well...overtime:)) With todays paycheck it pushed up to $51459! Man that took forever. But I remember when I hit 10k, it was like 50k was a dream...
  16. Mill

    Hi 27- dreaming of FIRE

    Whats up everybody. Love this site, which I heard about through another lurker. Ill try to get him to join. But, figured Id say hi, and let you all know my situation, and of course, I appreciate any advice. Im 27 swm originally from Ohio, currently working as a field grunt in Arkansas...
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