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  1. Lawrence of Suburbia

    FIRECalc and current inflation question

    (My question only relates to the basic, 3 parameter FIRECalc -- spending, portfolio size, years.) Does FIRECalc include current 2022 inflation in it's calculations? Or does it assume the 'normal' 2-3% inflation we'd gotten used to over the last few decades? (I have no idea how the thing works.)
  2. Lawrence of Suburbia

    Any 50/50 Balanced Funds Out There ...?

    The title makes the query. I know about Vanguard's Tax-Managed Balanced Fund (50% big stocks/50% muni bonds, approximately); but it seems most balanced funds are lopsided one way or t'other. I wish Wellington Management had a fund like that somewhere; yes I know, I could have half...
  3. Lawrence of Suburbia

    Balanced Fund Yields - How Volatile?

    Heya all ... Haven't been on here for awhile, but figured this might just the place for this enquiry (Google didn't help.) This is about Vanguard Wellesley Admiral, but applies to all balanced funds, I suppose. How much do balanced fund yields vary over time? The reason I ask is - I'm...
  4. Lawrence of Suburbia

    Any good small-cap ETFs?

    Looking for an ETF for my IRA; small-cap, with US and international stocks in it. Any recs?
  5. Lawrence of Suburbia

    Wellesley Treasury bond exposure?

    Seems there's a lot of Vanguard Wellesley fans here, I have a question for you: how large a % of VWINX is in Treasury bonds (long or otherwise)? What would likely happen to the NAV of the fund if/when the Treasury bubble (if there is one) bursts? I actually own a bit of this fund (about 8% of...
  6. Lawrence of Suburbia

    I Have Suffered For My Art; Now It's Your Turn.

    Testing, testing, one two... HEY, IS THIS THING ON? PFFFFFFttttttttttt... Oh sorry, I'll turn the volume down. (Confused about dryer sheets? Not at all; I have no idea what you're on about whatsoever.) Hi I'm Bruce, and really should be on the Late Retirement Forum (I do have millions saved...
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