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  1. T

    Touchscreen laptop/PC, the future?

    It Depends Before smartphones and tablets came along, desktops and/or laptops were about the only PRACTICAL choices we had. What has happened in the last few years, is that smartphones and tablets can do many if not most of the things we used to need PCs for. I think it depends on whether you...
  2. T

    Do Fractions of Years Work in FIRECalc?

    Still got my nose to the grindstone... Yeah, I already have decided to press on for 2 or 3 more years before retiring, especially given the current collection of strange influences on the economy. Trouble is that FIRECalc suggests I might just make it if I pulled the plug right now...
  3. T

    Do Fractions of Years Work in FIRECalc?

    I tried inputting years in other than whole numbers (e.g. using 2013.5 for a retirement date of 6/30/2013). FIRECalc seems to accept this and run the calculation, but can anyone confirm that it works as intended while including fractions of years? :greetings10:
  4. T Acquires FIRECalc

    FIRECalc Results Graph Distortion Not sure this is the right thread to report this on, but I want to share some unusual behavior I've noticed on the results screen over the past few days, on two different computers and networks. I've searched the forum, but I don't see any reference to this...
  5. T

    A portfolio with random performance - Question

    I have a financial advisor who swears by Modern Portfolio Theory and the Efficient Frontier, as illustrated by the figure in the following link: When I look at the FIRECalc "portfolio with random performance" selection...
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