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  1. R

    How does one know what constitutes substantially identical for avoiding wash sale

    How does one determine what constitutes substantially identical investments (in IRS eyes) so as to avoid wash sale problem when tax loss harvesting, but reinvesting in something else at the same time? Are there clear IRS or other guidelines posted somewhere to determine how much difference is...
  2. R

    Thoughts on global bond funds?

    For some time I've been adjusting my asset allocation by filling in the holes among some "legacy" holdings I had prior to developing current plan. As part of that process, and as I get closer to retirement, I want to shift a bit more from US large caps to bond funds. Current bonds are now in US...
  3. R

    ny times article on funds for withdrawal phase

    I thought this was interesting; thought others might too (from today's 11/25 NY Times). First I've heard of these funds specifically targeting withdrawal phase/strategy. Has anyone heard more about or looked into these yet...
  4. R

    ee savings bonds rates and yields

    We have EE savings bonds that were acquired at different times over the years. We use the savings bond wizard program from treasury direct to keep the inventory. I am confused by the rates and yields it reports, as they seem like they must be computed differently from how similar terms are...
  5. R

    northern italy travel expereinces

    A query for those travelers among you... We are starting to put together a two week itinerary for northern Italy in late May time frame. We are interested in several of the obvious - Florence, Tuscany, NW coast, lakes, maybe Venice, maybe Milan. We certainly won't be able to do it all the way...
  6. R

    mostly a lurker

    Hi. I've posted a couple of times earlier without a proper introduction - sorry for the breach of protocol. I'm mostly a lurker and not really keen at putting out the details of my situation for various reasons. Basically, like at least some others here, I am still working but within sight of...
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