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  1. Avalon

    Photos from the ISS

    Difficult to choose a favorite. Number 15 is pretty awesome. Incredible Space Pics from ISS by NASA astronaut Wheelock |
  2. Avalon

    Something to make you smile

    Enjoy Guy rescues baby hummingbird after it was attacked. [VIDEO]
  3. Avalon

    Western/Native American art

    I've always enjoyed this type of art. I happened across this site recently and thought I might share. If you go to the home page, there are a number of other categories. Western Art
  4. Avalon

    Color photographs from the great depression

    I happened across these recently. Thought they might be worth sharing. It sure makes me appreciate the life we live. The signs in the store windows are interesting. I also noticed the photo of the three young girls whose dresses were all made from the same fabric. Captured: America in Color...
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