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  1. T

    What percentage of your portfolio is tax deferred

    Age almost 80, financially independent and retired with no more jobs since age 53. 33% in tax deferred accounts of my own, not yet considering my new spouse's IRA or taxable account as part of our retirement assets. Our income taxes come to about 0.5% of my retirement stash while inflation is...
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    Poll:Big Ticket spending

    C. Set aside a certain amount of your SWR to "save up" for them. Just bought a fine new Cadillac for cash. I have more cash than I planned. First, an irresistible offer came for part of the family farm. Then, a few years later, I sold one of my stocks when an acquisition gave me no real choice...
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    Did you retire at the right time?

    Nearly 80 now, I retired at 53 in 1993. These years in retirement have been quite wonderful for me with the obvious drawbacks: people I loved have died off, and my health is deteriorating. I'm glad I didn't work any longer. There have been no financial problems for me, these 26 years later. I...
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    Another Joy of Retirement...

    Looking at LinkedIn reminded me of grim days, 1960 to 1993, holding on to a job or looking for the next one. I deleted my LinkedIn account. Good riddance.
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    Embarrassed and guilty when asked...

    I'm 77 now. Careful attention to diet and exercise allow me to pass for a youth of 76. No problem. With my aging face and hairless scalp, no one is surprised that I have retired. I had spent over thirty years in the American defense effort. When people ask what I did for a living before...
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    First time home buyer, Best title insurance company

    I, as seller, paid for title insurance I sold two houses in California. In both cases, I as seller had to pay for title insurance. Supposedly, that is the custom or maybe even the law in California. I didn't research it; I just paid.
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    Question for Bogleheads

    Avoid Capital Gains Tax if Feasible I do not willingly pay any tax I can legally postpone. So, as some others have advised, I hold most of my financial assets in index funds (S&P 500 and Total Stock Market, no bonds, no foreign assets) and a couple of individual stocks that I inherited. I kept...
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    Financially speaking... are you living like you thought you would be living?

    I retired in 1993 at age 53. The difficult parts of retirement are the deaths of people I loved and my own health problems at age 77. Otherwise, retirement has been wonderful. I have managed my retirement assets as if my life expectancy is to age 100 without reducing the purchasing power of the...
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    What is your pet peeve of the day?

    Staying away from Facebook I agree with you. Some years back, I had an account at facebook. I left because I found it a complete waste of time. Since then, I have heard about facebook manipulating information it permits users to see, and facebook being a political force for statism. I won't...
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    Who owns your house?

    My Revocable Living Trust holds only my family homes My revocable living trust has only my two family houses. (They are our residences. Neither of them is a rental property. Neither them has ever had a mortgage. My aversion to debt has had a calculable cost: while my new house has appreciated...
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    What is your pet peeve of the day?

    My pet peeve today is internet sites that require people to log in at Facebook before commenting on articles. I refuse to do business with Facebook. When I find that I cannot comment on some articles, I leave those sites.
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    Joint Tenants vs. Transfer on Death

    JTROS accounts just for my short term needs: gifts I agree with you. I use my three JTROS accounts just for the short-term pupose of convenient transfer of funds as current gifts. I fully expect the co-owners to drain the accounts to zero each month. This allows me to get funds to these three...
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    Joint Tenants vs. Transfer on Death

    Yes, MSN, May Their Tribe Diminish Yes, you recognize the reader-hostile style of that site. The article has this title: "The American Greed Report: How to control your money, even after you die"
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    Joint Tenants vs. Transfer on Death

    An article online today has this: "Another way to seamlessly transfer wealth is to designate loved ones such as adult children as co-owners on investment accounts. Through an arrangement known as a transfer on death agreement, ownership will automatically transfer to your loved one when you...
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    Who owns your house?

    My revocable living trust is technically the owner of both of my houses. I am the sole owner of that trust, so I think of the houses as mine. Neither house has ever had a mortgage since I bought them. (Their total value is not a large part of my estate, say 12%, but they save me paying mortgage...
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    Psychotherapy helpful?

    Right, I recognize the teddy bear syndrome. In college math classes, I sometimes had a homework problem where the answer was in the back of the text. When my solution did not match the text solution, I sometimes sought the help of a classmate, someone I knew to be a math wizard. I did not want...
  17. T

    Ever been to a psychiatrist?

    I had a classic, Freudian psychoanalysis -- five years starting in 1968, free association (say whatever comes to mind), lying on a couch where I could not watch the analyst, dream analysis, transference, counter-transference, the whole standard thing. Freud had analyzed my analyst's analyst. So...
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    You're married now many years?

    Maybe Most Recently Married I married for the first time at age 77. That was 0.75 years ago. Marriages like mine (two men) have been legal only recently here in Nevada. (June, 2015) People have been wonderfully generous in wishing us well. I appreciate it, not knowing ahead of time what...
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    Type of car you drive and age

    2013 Cadillac XTS
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    What have you read recently? 2009 -2020

    I am reading an encouraging book: "The Lucky Years: How to Thrive in the Brave New World of Health". Bestselling author David Agus unveils the brave new world of medicine, one in which we can take control of our health like never before and doctors can fine-tune strategies and weapons to...
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    Do you have a personal stop loss?

    My policy is just like yours. Someone can see what that has meant for my wealth simply by looking at the performance of the S&P500 since I was 40, 1980. The volatility does not prompt me to buy or sell. It's LTBH for me, though I don't do any buying now that my paychecks have stopped coming in...
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    Jack Bogle Interview

    Sentimental Investing and Dying to Avoid Capital Gains Taxes I generally hold no individual stocks, but only S&P 500 index funds and Total Stock Market index funds. I went broke chasing performance and managers who might beat the market for me. That was 37 years ago. Never again. An exception...
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    2 commas

    A message from a geezer on paying attention to inflation: My financial assets first reached seven digits in February 1996. I had retired in 1993. Those assets do not include my real estate. (The debt-free house paid me no cash but saved me paying cash out for rent or mortgage interest.) That...
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    House Value to Net Worth %

    12%, two houses as family residences, no mortgages
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    Another Article On Social Security Running Out of Money

    A Tax Levy is Never Temporary (Is it?) Those "contributions" will continue as before. Otherwise, Social Security could not pay the 71% or so that the accounts say will be available.
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