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  1. WestLake

    Developing a taste for luxury in retirement

    After living so many years frugally (with some splurges) I find that I now (having paid everything off but still w*rking) can afford some luxuries. I have to admit I enjoy them. I'm still maxing out the 401K and Roth. I'm worried I'll want these even more when I have more time to enjoy them...
  2. WestLake

    Simple FIRE Plan

    1. Max 401K 2. Max Roth IRA 3. Buy starter home on 15 year mortgage, when that is paid off, turn it into a rental and buy another with a 15 year. 4. Never buy a new car nor keep credit card debt. 5. Any excess savings go into DRIP stocks.
  3. WestLake

    Using a Charitable Remainder Trust for income

    I'm seeing that some require a 5% minimum payout. Say you have an appreciated asset like a fully-depreciated rental property that would cost you a fortune in taxes to sell if you don't want to do a 1031 Exchange to stay in the rental business... Giving that to say, a university which pays you...
  4. WestLake

    AIG Chief says retirement age may move to 80 l“Retirement ages will have to move to 70, 80 years old,” Benmosche, who turned 68 last week, said during a weekend interview at his seaside villa in Dubrovnik, Croatia. “That would make pensions...
  5. WestLake

    Howdy 53 and hate my job.

    Well, sorry to be so negative right off the bat! I have been exploring this forum for a bit and it seems there are quite a few helpful and knowledgeable folks. I'm working at a great old company in a dead-end job and I've been here about 25 years. Had a better job after college but was laid...
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