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  1. B

    Late retirement: expectations vs. reality

    Very interesting study about the trend of planning for a late retirement vs. the reality (so far at least) that people are actually retiring earlier. Health reasons (self or family member) and changes at work are the primary reasons while so many people ( about 50%) end up retiring earlier than...
  2. B

    Increased Potassium intake lowers stroke risk

    An interesting new study... and a relatively simple dietary change to make BBC News - Increase potassium and cut salt to reduce stroke risk
  3. B

    I did it! I pulled the plug...

    :dance: I managed to overcome day-before butterflies and gave my notice. Will be working for another month and a half and then... FREEDOM! Actually, it went pretty smoothly and was not that hard. The boss (who lives in another country, so this was all by phone) was nice enough to try to...
  4. B

    What % of income does one need to retire?

    I know that this topic has been extensively discussed and the usual answer is either "70% or so of pre-retirement income" or " varies from person to person, calculate your expenses". But on the 70% rule, surely there is a maximum amount beyond which it is a diminishing % as income raises, no? At...
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