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  1. D

    How Much Money Do You Need To Be In The Upper 25%

    Immediately above the table it says, "These figures show the median net worth (assets less debts) of households in each group." (Emphasis mine.) So think that suggests 1 in 10 random geezer couples has about $2mm.
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    How Much Money Do You Need To Be In The Upper 25%

    What is retirement age? ;) I find The New Wealth Scoreboard to be a useful metric if you want to see how you "measure up" to everyone else. It's broken down by age group. In terms of wealth (not income), the table says the median net worth of the top 25% of households is $32k to $712k...
  3. D

    How to retire early — 35 years early

    I used to be a hardcore MMM fan/evangelist, but recently I've stepped out of the cult to simply be a casual fan. I think the "fine print" of his philosophy is that 4% makes sense in conjunction with super-low annual expenses; a side or hobby job to create extra income; and a willingness to...
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    Finance house or pay cash?

    I can't speak for the others, but we are looking at buying a house and considering a similar strategy. There's no "hard" reason why, but I look at it as a kind of "split the difference" approach. Maybe passive index investing is a good analogy: you choose to be average, acknowledging that you...
  5. D

    Should I have Quit? Is it too late for a sanity check?

    What niche is that? I'm still in the "accumulation stage", but looking to semi-retirement in a few years. My definition of semi-retirement is to be technically FI (i.e. don't need a for-pay job to make ends meet), but still working just enough to cover expenses. The idea is to find a balance...
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