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  1. M

    When To Replace High Mileage Car?

    I've owned a handful of cars throughout my driving life (about 35 years) and have run them up to about 250k miles each before switching to a new car. The cars with this mileage have all been Volvos. Each time I switched cars, there was a repair that was going to cost more than the down payment...
  2. M

    Market Returns and Stopping/Slowing Saving

    DW and I have been investing aggressively in Vanguard index funds for years. Current market returns aside, our invested assets have been seeing the monthly gains exceed our monthly contribution by 3-4x. We would love to keep investing aggressively, but part of me would love to take the monthly...
  3. M

    Who does your taxes?

    I have tremendous gratitude for all of the great advice and insight posted here, and I figured there may be no better place to post my question... who does your taxes? Personally, I have hired an accountant for the past 20 years but only because my parents hired an accountant ever since I could...
  4. M

    Asset Allocation of 401k before and after FIRE

    Hello all, I have been a long time reader/lurker here and have read through some great advice and insight, and I thought I'd throw my current situation out for your thoughts, advice, and critiques. I am 42 and DW is 41, no kids, debt free (house, cars, etc) and on track to FIRE in about 5-7...
  5. M

    Hello, 41yrs and married and looking for retirement advice

    Hello all, I have been lurking in the discussion forums and absolutely grateful for all of the candid discussion and advice everyone shares here. I am 41yrs young, married with no children, and debt free including the house. I never even considered ER until visiting this site. My perception...
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