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  1. P

    Zelle, the new banking app

    I've got college aged tenants. One of which is a techie hacker type. She told me to stay away from zelle as the underlying code has issues. She recommends PayPal. Though I have used zelle before with no issues, I still prefer actual cash or a check.
  2. P

    Any Chevy Volt Owners

    My brother has one in north east Ohio. He absolutely raves about the vehicle and how much he saves on gas. In the winters, he warms his car before he leaves while it's plugged in. His commute is short enough to not have to worry about range as all electric in winter. He bought a used 2012 2...
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    Zillow v Craigslist on rental ads

    There are some municipalities that don't allow for more than 3 unrelated persons to live in the same housing unit. Think small college town restricting groups or fraternities. There are also still some that are antiquated related to only females as to reduce the likelihood of brothels. I...
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    Zillow v Craigslist on rental ads

    I have a lot more shady requests from zillow/postlets. Most of them are "will you take section 8 for half the rent and can I have it tomorrow?" I do post to both sites to cast a wide net.
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    i'm 28 and realized that i have a long way togo.

    Hedge your bets on the 401(k) and IRA's. Tax advantaged accounts are fantastic for wealth building. I'm 32 with passive rental income, a small startup business, and an IPS. We still contribute a good portion to the tax advantaged accounts, but don't max them out.
  6. P

    Someone else's credit card account with my email address?

    +1 I get this all time in an almost exact same email situation. Unsubscribe usually works, but sometimes it's from another country and I keep getting those. You can also try to login to their account with your email address. "Forget your password" often just sends a new one to your email...
  7. P

    Who's been to St Martin?

    Definitely go to that beach! Absolutely a "blast!" A word of advice, don't stand on the beach behind a large jumbo jet taking off unless you are prepared to get sandblasted.
  8. P

    What would you buy if another 2008 happened?

    I'm buying a lot of rental real estate. Leverage everything to the max! For us still in accumulation, come on correction!!
  9. P

    Just turned 40, married, no kids

    Jump right in! Locum work can be very lucrative and there is no shortage of firms that will find you a job anywhere in the country (and most will help you get licensed in different states). Based on your income, I'd guess that you are a specialist - again, no shortage of jobs and the locum...
  10. P

    How much do you let your adult children know about your finances.

    Isn't there some bit of confirmation bias here with the bad stories? Of course that's all you think of, no one ever has a good story about where their kids know the financials and nothing bad happens!! There's no story! My brother and I have known most of our parents' financials since...
  11. P

    Got kicked out of Mr Money Mustache...

    Anywhere in Ohio is LCOL with arguably some of the best hospitals in the world, including children's hospitals. Back on topic - my retirement plan fits in better here, but I post a lot more on MMM because I do a lot of DIY projects and have rentals. I bring more value to those posts than I...
  12. P

    Columbus, OH to Denver, CO

    Ok, here's a compromise; stay in Columbus, retire early, then go visit Denver and stay with all your friends. That's my plan...
  13. P

    Columbus, OH to Denver, CO

    I feel like half of my friends from college ended up moving from columbus to Denver. They were told "don't tell your friends back home how awesome it is, we don't need any more Midwesterners!" They all love it there and wouldn't move back for anything. Me? I'm staying in the buckeye state.
  14. P

    Your Own Business?

    I am 6 months into my business. I have one partner who is working full time and i am working part time until this summer. Currently in the black with very low overhead. Home based but looking for office space. Accounting and taxes are self completed. Currently have general liability...
  15. P

    How to avoid "hoppy" beers (2nd attempt)

    Ask for a taste before ordering. Most places will be happy (hoppy?) to accommodate.
  16. P

    Men's Jacket Tailoring question

    Purchase a suit online in a slim or ultra slim cut at his jacket size (I've had great luck in Macy's deals and their Calvin Klein suits) Take it to a tailor locally to have them adjust hem, waist, sleeves, and jacket. Much better than trying to squeeze off the rack and cheaper than going to a...
  17. P

    Should I quit my job?

    Give your 2 weeks. Temp if you want to; there are some well payed positions (sans benefits) that you can land that will watch the clock to get you the heck out of the office before you hit 40 hours!
  18. P

    Income for Early Retirement, Another Take...

    I own rentals as well and are big portion of my portfolio. Real estate and rents, however, don't necessarily track inflation from a micro perspective. Your locations could see great changes over time that could be a huge windfall or wreck your plans. A real world example: 40 year time...
  19. P

    Wood Flooring

    I'm in the midst of a kitchen remodel and will be installing solid hardwood. We haven't picked out the exact kind yet. As for durability, I've had 3/4in solid red oak installed for the first floor, including kitchen and entry way, of a college campus rental and it has held up very well for 8...
  20. P

    pex or cpvc

    I'm 100% behind pex. To the comment above with the home run to every water source, this is actually one of the complaints, especially with homes with long distance from source to faucet. The complaints come from the time it takes to heat the hot water for multiple uses, such as a shower and...
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    My wife has never seen me sans beard. A beard is like a picture frame for your face. Sent from my iPad using Early Retirement Forum
  22. P

    Have you failed (financially) at ER and returned to work?

    Spending the better part of the last 5 years at a staffing agency, I ran into a lot of stories from people who went back to work. There was every story imaginable and most of them were because they got bored and needed to get out of the house. However, one particular story stands out most. I...
  23. P

    29, Rental Property Focused

    Similar situation, age, etc. here. (With significantly less R/E though). I just left mega-corp to be an entrepreneur and have the rentals as backup to cover expenses. I'm a month in with a startup - jury is still out on how successful this will be. Lesson learned - don't stick around in a...
  24. P

    The perils of job hopping

    As a recruiter, know that most managers are ok with a lot of changes in companies as long as you have a good story for each. However, the recruiter/hr person may skip your résumé before even getting to the manager! You can drop years of graduation off your résumé and drop jobs 1 and 2 and...
  25. P

    Should I take this job at another firm?

    A recruiter could look at the résumé before the interview stage and say "too job hoppy." However, you can selectively omit your first job or two (if they are irrelevant to your career track) if you so choose. As for your job choice, don't make a decision on what your résumé may or may not...
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