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  1. H

    401k Help

    Well I've been happy with the help I've received on here so everythings good. I've been reading into tax efficiency with those links and I think it'd be easier to have my international fund in a taxable now so I can get the proper percentage of allocation into it. So what fund does anyone...
  2. H

    401k Help

    I've tried to join the bogleheads forum twice in the past and it always tells me I'm a known spammer, which is new to me! I do still read a lot over there though, so much good stuff to learn. Thanks for the links.
  3. H

    401k Help

    Could you point me in the direction of some good investment tax efficiency readings? I'll admit it's one topic I haven't really studied much. I do my own taxes as well so I should get knowledgable in the area.
  4. H

    401k Help

    Didn't want to overlook this but at this point in time(not much money in my 401k.. too much :dance:), I feel it'd be best if I focus on my 401k being diversified than trying to allocate between multiple accounts. I appreciate your advice, target2019. It sure is rough being an over thinker and...
  5. H

    401k Help

    Just want to make sure I'm understanding what you're saying with the domestic equites. If I'm alloting 78% of my portfolio to this allocation, you would put 39% into vinix and the other 39% into vieix? I'm leaning towards adding abemx into my international allocation along with vfwsx as...
  6. H

    401k Help

    Pyramis small company fund looks like the rewards outweigh the expense? I like it anyways. Also the Pimco bond trust looks leeps and bounds better than vbtix? I am not liking the foreign stock area. Vfwsx and dodfx seem similar so vfwsx would be the cheaper route. Morningstar seems to be...
  7. H

    401k Help

    I've been studying, tweaking my allocations and elections for a couple months now and I still don't have it to where I'd be happy with only rebalancing from time to time. I'm having a bit of trouble deciding which allocation to follow as I've done many calculations and every one of them tells me...
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