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  1. C

    annual "gift" exclusion

    Yes, this would run afoul of IRS regulations. It only counts as a gift to that person if it truly is; if the "gift" comes with conditions to gift it to someone else, then the IRS doesn't consider it a gift from the second party but from you.
  2. C

    Factoring in inflation

    Thank you for your very informative and helpful replies, everyone. I came up with the 1.5M figure by considering that 36k/yr for living expenses would be comfortable for me with my current lifestyle... and the extra would be great for extra security and for things like traveling. Also, that's...
  3. C

    Factoring in inflation

    Yeah that sounds like a good strategy rather than trying to somehow factor it in. Thanks for the post. My goal in the short-term is to save 1/3 of my post-tax income... longer term I'd ideally like to save half or more while living well below my means.
  4. C

    23andMe personal genetic testing

    I have used 23andme. I purchased the kit right after they reduced their price, and I think it was worth it. The two main things I learned - that I am at an increased risk for two specific conditions - came as no surprise to me as both come with a family history. Obgyn - to answer your...
  5. C

    Factoring in inflation

    Hey everyone, I've enjoyed browsing these forums since discovering this website a few weeks ago. I know this is probably a ridiculous question... but I spend a lot of time thinking about inflation and how that affects the number that I have in mind for retirement. I'm 22 and think it would be...
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