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  1. T

    Steve Jobs' final words (?)

    Someone posted on my FB page what purports to be some of the final words of Steve Jobs, related by one of his nurses. Obviously, I cannot vouch for the authenticity of this, but its message strikes a chord that should resonate with us FIRE types. Here, it is alleged, are some of the final...
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    Pleasant Tax surprises this season?

    Just finished my taxes this past weekend and caught an unexpected and pleasant surprise - the Retirement Saver Credit -- as I was working through the Turbotax categories. Before I ERd in 2013, I had for years been in the top tax bracket, so most of my tax surprises were of the unpleasant...
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    Firecalc-test the mortgage-payoff decision?

    Like others here, I have questioned whether or not to pay off the mortgage in ER. I decided to run the payoff/not-payoff scenarios through Firecalc. The results were interesting. Here's what I did: I took the length of time remaining on my mortgage (14 years) and ran two sets of Firecalc...
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    Solo 401k to exclude income for ACA?

    I signed up for ACA for 2014 and, based on projected 2014 income, am receiving federal subsidies. I want to make as sure as I can that my 2014 income does not push me over the subsidy cliff. I will have modest income from part-time teaching and contract work. I am thinking of opening a solo...
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    The great Northwest, USA

    Thinking about a 2 week trip to the Northwest in May-June, or possibly later. Maybe fly to Portland, rent-a-car and drive up to Seattle, Vancouver, and other destinations. Any advice on things not-to-be-missed or the best month(s) to visit? Thanks.
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    Buying a small business in ER?

    I ER'ed last year at 51. Doing some part-time teaching and consulting in ER as planned but wanting to be more engaged. From time to time, SO and I think about buying a small business to keep us occupied and bring in some extra income. Obviously, we'd want something that does not require 24/7...
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    Tax planning and Vanguard Funds

    I purchased Wellington and Wellesley fund shares for the first time last October and was a bit surprised at year-end at the tax hit in these funds for 2013. How do I estimate the anticipated "income" in these funds for 2014? I am concerned that a significant amount of unrecognized "income"...
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    Firecalc and rebalancing

    Question about how Firecalc works. When it models portfolio performance over many different time periods, what does it assume about rebalancing asset allocation? If I choose a 70/30 portfolio over time, how does Firecalc rebalance the portfolio to keep it consistent? Once a year? Continual...
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    Need advice re FIRE Investment strategy

    Thanks for maintaining this helpful website. The best comprehensive source of information re: FIRE issues I have found. I would like some advice. Here is my situation. I FIRE'd in July of this year. Anticipating FIRE, we put our main home on the market and it just closed. We have net...
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    Need advice, newly ER'd

    Hi all - Into my second week of ER and I have a lot to learn. I pulled the trigger quickly and walked away from megacorp with only a general notion of FI. ( I have run Firecalc etc). I am 50 years old with about $2 million in investable assets, about half in an IRA. I need some direction in...
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    Newly ERd - Should I marry?

    After 22 years in the corporate law field, I have given notice and will be walking away from my career (IP attorney) end of July 2013. My question relates to whether or not, solely for financial reasons, I should marry my "DH" life partner of 14 years, especially in light of the fact that we...
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