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  1. B

    Sobering Stats

    Here are some sobering stats from my expenses since year 2000 when I stated tracking them in great detail (to the penny). Not too surprising, but never-the-less sobering. Only been retires since 2013.... Top 10 expenses since year 2000: 10: ATM Cash: $31,792.89 9: House Upkeep...
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    Minimalist. Your thoughts?

    Just watch a documentary last night on Netflix's called "The Minimalists". I know it is not a new concept to most people and has been discussed in some threads when people downsize or simplify their lives before/after retirement. I do like the idea of reducing the "stuff" in our lives. However...
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    Garbage Disposer

    Looking for advice on buying a new garbage disposal. I currently have a 14 year old InSinkErator Badger 1/3hp that is starting to leak. Looking at getting the Badger 1/2hp for $75, but I also found a higher end InSinkErator Evolution Compact 3/4hp for $175 which I guess is much quieter. Not sure...
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    2 year extention for currrent HCP??

    Has anyone check or heard from their health insurance company if you will be able to extent your current healthcare policy for 2 more years (Oct 1st 2016) instead of moving to ACA? I'm 50 and my current policy (BCBS-AZ) is $182/month with a $8000 max OOP. Still trying to figure out the numbers...
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    Would really want to know???

    Moderators: Not sure this belongs here or under another forum. Feel free to move to a more appropriate forum. Would you really want to know how long you were going to live or even the exact date? I know this may not a popular/pleasant subject to discuss, but it is an important variable when...
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    2013 expenses

    Hello, below were my expenses (%) for 2013. Just curious how this compares to others that have ER'ed... Monthly Bills 16.73% House Up-Keep 5.92% Cars (gas, maintenance) 13.27% Groceries 8.37% Insurance (car, health) 8.37% Taxes (property, fed, state) 12.24% Household...
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    Retirement TV Commercials

    Is it just me or are the retirement commercials on TV starting to feed of peoples unrealistic dreams? It's staring to remind me of commercials before the 2000 market decline. You know the ones, retire and buy a wine vineyard in Napa, travel the world, turn your hobbies into a million dollar...
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    How to get out of a timeshare???

    Hello, I have a couple of friends that purchased timeshares over 15 years ago and they have regretted this decision ever since. They never use the timeshares and the yearly fees have just gotten way too expensive. They really want to get out of them, but it sounds like they will have to pay...
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    Cash Heavy.. What would you do?

    Hello, Looking for some advice. I'm 50 and ER'ed last May. I recently rolled over my ex-megacorp 401K to a IRA and now siting on a lot of cash that I need to put to work at some point. Right now I'm 45% equities, 5% bond and 50% cash across all my tax-deferred and taxable accounts. The cash...
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    What would you do???

    Hello… I have a couple of questions to bounce of you FIRE experts. First question: I’m sitting on 32% cash, 8% bond and 60% equities in my total portfolio. The main reason for the flood of cash is I ER’ed this year and I had to cash out of company stock and took the lump sum payout from the...
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    Fish oil (omega3) latest studies

    Hello, has anyone seen the latest studies on fish oil and the link to prostate cancer? They claim to see a 71% increase in prostate cancer and correlates with a previous study. I been taking 2000mg (Costco brand) each day for just over a year because my triglyceride level was 177 (<150 is...
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    3 months into FIRE...

    Hello… I just found this forum the other day and I must say I was amazed by the number of people who were able to retire early. I know we (FIRE’ers) are a very small percentage of the entire population and it was comforting to see other people making this important life changing decision and...
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