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  1. T

    Can someone explain COBRA 36 month rule

    So specifically, my wife is the primary retires at 64, maintains both of use on Corbra, so at when she hits 65, I still have 24 months left?
  2. T

    Can someone explain COBRA 36 month rule

    So a person leaves employment within 18 months of Medicare age, does their dependent get a maximum of 36 months of COBRA access? “When the qualifying event is the end of employment or reduction of the employee's hours, and the employee became entitled to Medicare less than 18 months before the...
  3. T

    Health Saving Account Contributions

    I have healthcare as part of my DP that does not cover my wife. She is retiring in August at age 63 and will draw SS at that time. We plan on using her existing HSA balance to pay 17 months of COBRA while still contributing the the HSA until she is 65.. Do these HSA contributions still...
  4. T

    Camp tax reform plan points to a more retirement unfriendly tax system

    If my retirement income was $80k, I would live in New York City.
  5. T

    Retirement: A third have less than $1,000 put away

    The US has had a trade deficiet for 50 years. Until the country corrects this, the American idea of a quality retirement is gone for the majority of the population.
  6. T

    Retirement account caps

    Unless I read the proposal incorrectly, the cap would be 3.2 million. A spouse could have another 3.2 million. That's unreasonable?
  7. T

    Proposed changes to SS???

    If you look at the life expectancy between high and low wage earners, you will see why lower income people do not benefit very much from delay.
  8. T

    It's the Governments fault

    When people complain about their financial situation and blame the govt, I explain to them its their fault for filling their house with imported goods.
  9. T

    If you were 18 years old and...

    I would become a lawyer and get a business degree. I would then become a white collar criminal on Wall St.
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    Need for Pilots

    I have flown for the last 35 years, the next pilot shortage has always been just around the corner since then. The reality is it takes very little time to train a pilot and for most entry jobs the experiance levels are quite low.
  11. T

    Police early retirement question

    I am a retired LEO that went out at 55/29 years with a pension 50% greater than yours. Put your time in and put as much of your leave buyout into your 457 plan as able. You are likely elidgible for a catch up provision at age 50 that might allow you to tax defer a bunch of the buy out...
  12. T

    Any workaholics able to hang it up?

    In 5-10 years, you will be that much older and your attitude may change. I have always been a believer in the candle that burns the brightest burns the fastest. If you really worried about being a workaholic, take the next 5-10 years to burn yourself out. I did it in three.
  13. T

    Tort Reform

    Hot coffee notwithstanding, lawsuits are about the only way society can get justice from fraud.
  14. T

    Career advice, ER firemen / engineer

    Or you could go to NW Florida or Alabama where you would make more managing a good MCDonolds location than eing a cop.
  15. T

    Career advice, ER firemen / engineer

    I wore the badge for 29.5 years and retired in 2012. It was rewarding, and I am glad I did it. The people who do it are intelligent leaders. Knowing what I know today about the political forces who are effecting wages, benefits, disabilites, retirements, ect, I can not reccomend anyone enter...
  16. T

    Career advice, ER firemen / engineer

    In the current political climate, I would not advise anyone enter public safety. If you want to go play fireman, earn a bunch of money in the private sector and join a volunteer fire department.
  17. T

    Tax Rates and ER Decision

    My federal income tax calculator results yield 35.4% on $1 million as a single, 34.5% married.
  18. T

    Tax Rates and ER Decision

    Deciding to retire because you don't like being in the 39% tax braket? PM me, I'll be more than happy to un-retire and take up your miserable existance.
  19. T

    Can I make it on my military pension?

    The OP is age 42. I have a reasonable expectation that all retiree health care will be reduced as more baby boomers enter the pool. Tricare or not.
  20. T

    Health Insurance Premiums for 2014

    Increase of $45 per month x 2 on mine.
  21. T

    Ever had a doctor/dentist actually see you at appt time scheduled?

    Doctor and Dentist both on time, specialist never.
  22. T

    What you haven’t heard before about the taxation of Social Security benefits

    Me thinks there are 2 issues concerning SSI in the future - taxes and means testing. In the absence of the political resolve to means test, you may see taxes used instead.
  23. T

    Can I make it on my military pension?

    No way. You do not even have close to the required assets you will need for future health care, let alone other expenses.
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