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  1. S

    ROTH timing question

    That’s what I thought, but thought it was worth checking. Thanks for the reply.
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    ROTH timing question

    Can I still convert some dollars from tIRA to ROTH for 2019? I found information that I cam still contribute to a ROTH if I was working until April 15, but can’t find Information on conversions in retirement. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks
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    You Can't Make Me - (t-shirt photo)

    Awesome! I have been getting the question on what I do all day and people asking me to volunteer for this and that. I think I will remember this before I answer next time.
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    Net Worth increases AFTER RETIRE

    Net worth has definitely increased since retirement!!
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    Standing at airplane door... will someone PLEASE check my parachute?

    Looks like you are good to go
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    Govt shut down

    I don't get how DACA is part of the budget. DACA has until March 5th. The budget is now.
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    FIRE success rate

    I was at 100% using FIRECALC as well as other calculators. With the current increase to the portfolio is says I could spend more. I won't spend more for now as I see that as a "cushion" if there is a pull back in the market.
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    Silly Frugality?

    So we don't have to work and can hang out here sharing our frugal stories!!
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    Silly Frugality?

    I thought I was frugal with heat - 69 during the day and 66 at night, but some here are more so. Ha ha. I do many of the same things others have noted: purposefully make large pots of soups and stews to have leftovers , turn bottles upside down, reuse plastic bags, etc. I did notice that no...
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    Looks like you are heading the right direction. Good job!
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    Forget Balancing - sold all my 401k equities funds and put it in the safe short term

    After I retired last year I did change my AA fro 75% stocks to 60%. I sometimes thinks about how much I would have gained this past year if I had left it alone, but I can live with it. I have cash and stable fund to cover for the next 5 years if there is a down turn so I think I can handle...
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    What I don't understand is from what I hear is that things like venue, flowers, photos, etc go up in price as soon as they find out it is for a wedding! I have been to simple weddings where the family does everything and expensive ones. The family done weddings seem better to me
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    News Flash

    Jolly, I am sure you will love. A so so day in retirement is still better than a good day at w*rk.
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    What is kindest ways to get ppl to not talk about grandchildren?

    I moved to the Midwest after being gone for more than 35 years. Have gotten in touch with some of my old high school classmates, but they do talk kids and grandkids which I don't have. So far they don't go on too much. I have more issues with them talking about w*rk. Ironically I seem to be...
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    What could you cut?

    I am glad you wrote this. I guess I could mow my own lawn. I am cleaning my own house for now when I used to have a housecleaner when I w*rked. Like you said "baby steps"
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    News Flash

    It sucked not taking all the vacation days in the previous years, but it was great when I retired last year and got 7 weeks additional pay for unused vacation. Yeah!
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    Newbie-Withdraw Strategy for 2018. Annual, monthly?

    I am trying to figure out the withdrawal plan as well, so this has been very interesting. Good info! I don't need to withdraw this year, but need to figure it out for the future. I may do a roth conversion this year though, since I will have a very low income this year.
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    Hot Water Heater Warning

    This is a good reminder to look at replacing HWH earlier. I had the last 2 HWH leak at exactly 10 years when I was trying to sell each house!. The house I bought with my downsize is 6 years old. May have to think about replacing it in a couple of years.
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    What could you cut?

    Similar situation here. This is the first year of FIRE and downsized to the Midwest, so the number I planned for is $50K with all the fun stuff. I could cut cable, entertainment, and travel and probably get down to $30K
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    Class of 2017

    They forgot to do my exit interview, too. I didn't bring if up - lmao.
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    8 weeks into ER

    Congrats! I am around 3 months retired myself and seeing the same health improvements.
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    Losing Money When Decluttering?

    I contacted one estate / auction company and they wanted 50%, so I was looking for alternatives. I guess I will try some other estate companies and see if that is really the normal rate around here.
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    Losing Money When Decluttering?

    I was wondering if anyone has ever used OFFERUP to sell unwanted items? How did it work for you if did? I have furniture to get rid of before I downsize.
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    Living in the Now

    I hope I can get out the planner mode once I sell my house and move. (Other than for travel.) Planning has been my life even down to Planner being in my previous work title. Now that I have FIRED I am no longer obsessing about financial planning though.
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    Surprises during the first month

    I am just over 2 months FIRE'd and I am feeling much of the same. Don't miss work at all. My only stress now is around selling my house, but that is better than work. I am losing weight, sleeping and eating better, getting more exercise and don't need alcohol any more to relax. Now I want to...
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