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  1. N

    Did you want and plan FIRE or did it just happen?

    Similar to you. I had a plan to retire in 5 years starting at about 30. Most of those required lottery winnings but I was an aggressive saver and LBYMer and I got to the promised land at 55 without the lottery or a pension
  2. N

    Bicycle Tires

    As others have said 40psi is a lot in a month but not inconceivable. Note also that when you hook up a pump there will be some pressure lost in doing so. I check my tires before every ride but the pressure even after 1 day is almost always 10psi lower than it was after inflation. The pump...
  3. N

    Surgery? Risk? Alternatives...

    Depends on the surgeon I think. Not all do. The last knee surgery I had was my choice. My first few visits with the surgeon we decided not to do the surgery and to see if there was any worsening of symptoms first. After 3 years I decided to get it done because the symptoms had gotten...
  4. N

    C to F, ml to tsp, km to mph, m to ft etc.

    It had to be cold turkey. Though when they did it in the 70's the best April Fools joke I ever heard was a radio station saying now that people were getting used to the metric system metric time would be introduced...100 sec to a min 100 min to an hour 10 hours in a day etc...People went...
  5. N

    C to F, ml to tsp, km to mph, m to ft etc.

    I was in Canada when we switched from imperial to metric in the 70's. I became perfectly comfortable with it. Then I moved to the US 1990 and had to covert back. Now I switch often depending on who I'm talking with. Temperature is really mostly just defining comfort ...25C is warm 25F is...
  6. N

    Frugality vs. technology

    Really depends on what it is and what the problems are. If a car is for transportation only then extra features are not necessary. You can always do the cost analysis of repairing/replacing a car. The cost of a newer car for me makes little sense. I don't drive all that much and the lower...
  7. N

    Necessary road bike accessories

    I ride 4 times a week almost year around due to the climate where I live. Some of the stuff that is suggested as necessary is still a personal choice but I also suggest having ID on you either RoadID or dogtags. A friend who is a EMT told me that things in your pockets/bags may not be...
  8. N

    Six Stages of Retirement?

    I went from 1 directly to 6 as well, but without any regrets or regerts :dance:
  9. N

    Poll: What class are you in?

    No class If we have to dress more than jeans and tshirts to go someplace, we don't go. :D
  10. N

    Meniscectomy Vs Knee Replacement

    Well it sounds like your problem isn't the tears but what is causing them (that's more like what my friend had). Still at 30 as others are saying, you probably want to exhaust all options first, once you commit that's it and you might have to do it 2 or 3 more times because of your age.
  11. N

    Meniscectomy Vs Knee Replacement

    I'm pretty surprised you would be given those 2 options at 30. I knew a guy that was 50 and though he had reoccurring knee issues they were reluctant to do a knee replacement as a first or second option (though eventually they had to but he had a degenerate bone issue). I've had 2 meniscus...
  12. N

    NFL Super Bowl 2017 Prediction

    I predict it will be another boring game like this weeks games I hope the commercials are good.
  13. N

    NFL: 2016 Season

    Pats have the #1 scoring Def. Falcons the #1 scoring offense the last 5 times that has happened the scoring defense has won 4-1 I do think the Falcons D is now better than they were early in the season so it might mean less than it seems. And the Pats do play 4 games against the Jets and...
  14. N

    What was the biggest unanticipated downside of your ER?

    Not much but honestly the HC thing is a concern even though it is in the budget and I am significantly below budget every year so far. That and it is harder to get to the gym than it was when I was working, especially on these cold and rainy days lately.
  15. N

    Returning to Canada for Health Insurance

    Well depending on what insurance you have in the US you cannot book directly with a specialist unless you plan to pay for it. I know I cannot and have to go through my GP. I'm a Canadian living in the US (Not dual) and would like to move back but DW doesn't (she's 'mercian) because of taxes...
  16. N

    Old Cars - What Your Mileage?

    1997 Acura Integra GS-R 133K First 3 years I put 50K on it (driving about 400 miles a week or so for work) Next 15 years I put about 80K on it (driving between 50-75 miles a week for work) Since I retired almost 2 years ago, 3K on it. 400 miles in one weekend trip :D. I ride my bike much...
  17. N

    For the car people (or anyone else interested)

    Your first car: 1973 Dodge Dart Sport Last car you sold: 1981 Ford Fairmount traded actually. There have been 2 cars between this one and the current, one was donated to the Salvation Army and one to my ex wife :P Last car you bought: 1997 Acura Integra GSR Favorite car you ever owned: 1997...
  18. N

    The Best "Simple Things" in Retirement?

    For me the best simple thing is not having to set an alarm. I don't necessarily sleep late but not having an alarm wake me (even though the amount of sleep is the same) and I feel so much more rested by waking naturally
  19. N

    How did you view your job/career by the time you FIREd?

    I never wanted to work so my whole working career was plan/saving to not work. I did work with a lot of great people some of which because real friends (including one old boss in fact). But I always said once I had $1 more than I felt I needed I was out. I couldn't understand anyone who...
  20. N

    Soon to be 56. Am I in the right place?

    I got out at 55 going on 2 years ago This was my thing as well. I think that's why I was able to retire early. It was always my main goal. I tell people that when they ask how could I manage it so early. No kids, LBYM and save like you plan to retire sooner than later. Truth be told I...
  21. N

    Smartphone permanently on silent

    I use a different trick. I created a ringtone that has no sound and made that the default. Then for friends and family I made another couple of unique ringtones (one for friends and a very special one for the wife). Therefore when my phone rings and I hear it I know for certain it is call I...
  22. N

    Feedback on my ER plan

    Well it sounds like you are already set so this won't have much bearing I think but I thought from your OP that you would be fine. I think when you are not working depending on your habits you may find it's harder to spend than you think. But YMMV Good luck
  23. N

    paid off mortgage yesterday

    Congrats! I was also a debt adverse person and getting my mortgage paid off was a major step towards being FIRED Enjoy :dance::dance:
  24. N

    Your first airline flight

    Air Canada 1975 to Spain. I was over the moon excited. It was like going in a rocket ship for me. I never thought I would get to fly (small town kid). Flying isn't the same anymore :(
  25. N

    Sweet spot for car upgrade

    It's going to be different for everyone. For us we look at how reliable the car has been and if the cost of a repair is such that we will get our money's worth out of it. DW's car is a 91 pathfinder but it has low miles because she drove a Neon for a commute car while she was working and got...
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