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  1. R


    My pension would start at 55. My wife would continue her business. The premiums are with tax credit. Here are links...
  2. R


    Thanks for the quick responses. I read the questions. Right now I make 40,000 per year, but I have so much taken out for 401k and savings that I actually netted $24,000 last year. I do know what my expenses have been. I track them very closely. My expenses would actually drop somewhat when I...
  3. R


    I would like to hear both financial or non-financial comments.
  4. R


    Hello from Northeast PA. I am 54 yrs old planning on retiring at 55. I am have been married for 34 yrs. We have 2 grown children and 1 grandchild. What are some of the things to consider when planning a early retirement? We have always kept a close watch on our finances. Thanks
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