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  1. W

    Software or Website to consolidate Net Worth Profile

    I recently broke up with my Financial Advisor (yes, you can congratulate and cheer for me). Now I am looking for a platform to view my investments across multiple institutions. Also have the ability to look at Asset Allocation across the portfolio to give you a sense of your equity to fixed...
  2. W

    4% Rule (xx% "rule" or 25-30x expenses) Question

    I don't want to get into the debate on the specific number 4% or 3% or 25x vs. 30x (that is for another thread). I have a question how people think about their annual expenses, they can be broken down into fixed and variable, or recurring & non-recurring etc. For instance, utilities, property...
  3. W

    Planning for 2023

    Planning for possible 2023 Exit I'd like feedback on our plan: Early 50s couple, dual income, kids out of house and looking to possibly be done working in 2 years (coincidentally when youngest turns 26). Plan to add another $300k to the Assets before calling it quits. Also, planning for...
  4. W

    Can we pull the plug?

    I posted a while back and now really struggling to keep my head in the game at work. I've seem too many co-workers and friends plan everything for "tomorrow" and then end up dying younger than expected. Struggling to stay engaged knowing that I probably don't NEED to work much/any longer...
  5. W

    New guy here - is a few more years enough?

    Newbie here. We aspire to retire sooner than later (or at least stop working for the man). We are both near 50 years young. Here's our stats. Let me know what I am missing or need to clarify. Assets: Tax Deferred $1.3m (32% US Stocks, 29% Int'l Stocks, 25% Bonds 10% Alternatives 3% Cash)...
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