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  1. W

    How long would it take you to read all of th's posts?

    The idea came to me when th said that he read everything I had posted here. So I wondered, how long would it take me to read all of his posts? Currently he has 5170 posts, and averages 9.282 additional posts per day. If I read, say, 50 of his posts a day, it would take me (crunches Excel) 127...
  2. W

    Hey folks, long time no see

    How is everyone? Me - I'm still not ER :) Did buy a new car last year to replace my ten year old one - this one (Japanese make) should last even longer, plus it's more fun to drive. I'm slowly trying to wedge myself away from the daily grind of a software engineer (there are still a few of us...
  3. W

    Investing in future hotspots

    Not necessarily geographical, but sectors. I'd like to know what people think around here. Dent was pushing financial, health care and leisure. Right now I'm looking at: - water. Friend of mine was in the water industry, there is incredible growth there as water reservoirs drop and more...
  4. W

    Question for those who did a partial RE

    I've seen a few people mention that they went into a partial RE mode for a few years, then later fully retiring. I'd like to know what made you decide to transition. Were you just sick of working full-time? Did you have a nice portfolio but not enough to fully RE, so you just wanted to let it...
  5. W

    Not someone I want to emulate

    I was reading the CEO's annual statement for a company and saw this paragraph: "Southwest Water Company and the California water industry lost one of their "elder statesmen" in November 2003. Reginald A. Stone, a 43-year veteran employee of our Califonria utility, passed away after a brief...
  6. W

    Where are you putting your emergency cash stash?

    For a while I've been keeping it in an ING account... but I'm getting tired of the hidden inflation we're seeing devaluing it. Thinkin' about I-bonds (at least I wouldn't pay tax unless I needed the money and cashed them in)... or short-term corporates... well?
  7. W

    What ever happened to small houses?

    I've been living in apartments for... well, since I moved out from the parent's place, but I'm learning that all it takes is one lousy neighbor sharing walls to sour you to apartment living. What ever happened to small ranch houses? They've all but vanished in this neck of the woods...
  8. W

    Time to redouble my efforts

    There was a restructuring at my job; thankfully we all still have one, but I now realize how lucky I was to have a job that was fairly enjoyable. Many of the people in my field (IT) no longer have jobs after seeing them shipped overseas. I know that even though I am saving much of my income, I...
  9. W

    Automobiles and the young dreamer

    This young dreamer bought himself a new car when he graduated college nine years ago. I shudder to think of the interest rate to this day (9%!) but I paid it off early, in three years rather than the original five year loan. I've since driven it for the past six years without payment. Well, now...
  10. W

    Decluttering links

    Decluttering your life by trimming your possessions is an important part of RE. Want to live on a boat or RV? Move overseas? You don't want to drag everything that's been packed away in boxes for three moves along with you - do you? Even for young dreamers like myself, it's good to be nimble -...
  11. W

    Make hay while the sun shines!

    The CEO of the company I worked for used this phrase a few days ago while discussing competitive advantage, but it goes for RE too. Especially those of us still dreaming. Not too many years ago, we had that dotcom bubble and many people I knew were drawing high salaries - in retrospect perhaps...
  12. W

    Forced very early retirement?

    So here I am, a refugee from the old TMF board, who planned on having a nice income for the next, oh, ten or twenty years which, combined with low-spending, would give me a decent nest egg to live off of. Did I mention I'm in tech? The bottom fell out and all signs point to a lot of what I do...
  13. W

    Hi all... and a comment

    Hello, all. I recently caught up on the old REHP board at the MF, and found this image that I find oddly appropriate for some reason.
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