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  1. F

    Experience to share - Moved DM to Assisted Living

    I can related. We moved DD to assisted living last year. He had become very isolated and lonely living by himself which caused him to turn to alcohol. This spiraled into him becoming very weak and unsteady on his feet from being sedentary and not eating anything even remotely nutritious. We...
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    personality type

    Totally INTJ!
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    Hello - trying to decide when to pull the plug, or how much is enough

    Hi, neighbor! I live just down the road in Twin Falls. To me, it sounds like you have your ducks in a row to retire now. If you have access to affordable healthcare, that is a huge plus for ER. Also, you are in a low COLA area, which helps with the numbers. With no debt, you should have the...
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    OMY or ER now?

    Welcome, tb001! I can relate to giving up the lucrative career at 47. I also walked away from a good paying I T job at 47 because of the stress and the desire to be more available to aging family members. While I did not leave the work force, I did take a lower paying, much less stressful job...
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    OK, all you number crunchers, sharpen your calculators !

    12.9% increase in our NW, excluding home value. We are totally happy with that.
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    61 y/o trying to decide when to retire

    Hello and welcome. I understand your concern over healthcare. I would be fully retired if I knew I could obtain affordable healthcare for the next 15 years. However, instead of full retirement I settled for semi-retirement working 30 hours per week to maintain health coverage...
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    401K and Roth 401K in same account--issues?

    I too contributed to both a 401k and a Roth 401K with my prior employer. When I view my account online, both contribution types are lumped together in one total, and I've been unable to find a source breakdown online (although I may have just missed it). However, my quarterly statement always...
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    Tap IRA Early to Delay SS

    My plan is to wait until 59 1/2 and then start tapping the T-IRA, postponing SS until 70. I was too good of a saver in my 401k/IRA and will face very high RMD's at 70 unless I spend down the T-IRA before then. We will save a lot in taxes by waiting to claim SS until age 70. By lowering our...
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    How did you guys say Goodbye?

    Out of respect to the president of the company, who hired me 22 years ago and who was my boss for 20 of those years, I wanted to leave on good terms. He was a wonderful boss and I would probably still be working there if he was still actively involved in running the company. Unfortunately...
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    Poll:Age-related issues in retirement

    We don't have the best genes on my mother's side of the family. Grandpa died from brain aneurism at 56, Uncle died at 68, mother died from massive heart attack at 70, and grandma died at 73 from heart failure. By my 40's, I started thinking that I should take better care of myself...
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    Who FIREd and then went back to work?

    You have the right attitude, Walt34. I agree, FI does change your outlook on work. Instead of "oh Lord, I need this job" it's "well...If I don't like it I can always quit". ;D If the future of the ACA was settled, I would really be in the drivers seat. But while it's future is a little...
  12. F

    Who FIREd and then went back to work?

    aja8888, this is finally what gave my husband contentment in retirement. He worked 6 days a week/60 hours a week. So he was very much "retiring from something, not to something". When he retired, all of his friends were "work friends" who were still working those long hours. No one was...
  13. F

    Who FIREd and then went back to work?

    Ahhh, Meadbh, another INTJ female...we are a rare breed! When I told my former boss that I was retiring, he told me I would miss researching problems and finding optimal solutions. I do miss that aspect of the job, but not the stress and office politics. I never was good at playing the corporate...
  14. F

    Who FIREd and then went back to work?

    Thank you, Focus and Walt34 for the link, it provided a lot of the feedback that I am looking for. After much reflection, I do think I would value my free time more if I still have some type of work (including volunteer work) to contrast it against. It is so easy to idealize retirement...
  15. F

    Who FIREd and then went back to work?

    No contradiction.... I'm not a total recluse with no need for human contact. ;D I just don't require having daily social interaction. However I do enjoy golfing, dining with friends, taking in a movie, etc. My friends all work and have busy lives on their few days off each week. So it's not...
  16. F

    Who FIREd and then went back to work?

    Less that two months ago, a retired from my toxic job and took a PT job in another industry working 4 days per week. While I am enjoying my new PT job, I am also greatly enjoying the 3 day weekends! In fact, the taste of having more free time, has me contemplating how wonderful full retirement...
  17. F

    Sibling Doesn’t have a dime to his name

    My 44 YO step-daughter and her finance spend every dime they make and she sees no reason to change. They have decent salaries, but still live beyond their means. Her mother (DH's Ex) is always there to bail her out. DSD told her sister that she plans on inheritance to cover her retirement...
  18. F

    Anyone else get a job for health insurance? Officially un-retired.

    I went from FT to PT work this year, and I feel like I am primarily working part-time just for the health insurance. I am 16 years from Medicare, so a lot can change regarding the ACA during that long of a time period. While my health is good now, I don't want to take the risk that I can't...
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    61 yo. Planning to retire at 62

    Welcome and congratulations!
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    Not my circus, not my monkey

    So funny...."not my circus, not my monkey" was my motto the last 16 months on the job. After 22 years at the same company, it helped reinforce the need to just keep my head down and do my job and not allow myself to get worked up about the poor decisions being made by the company. It really did...
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    Bond ETFs?

    Pn3069, I am considering AGG or BND for my core bond holding. I do currently hold PIMCO in my Roth, and have enjoyed nice returns this year. I might need to consider this in my IRA. I have really enjoyed hearing everyone's differing perspectives. You have all provided much food for thought.
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    Proposed tax plan

    A quick back of the napkin calculation shows minimal impact to us. We haven't been able to itemize in years. So we will benefit by the increased standard deduction, however that is offset by the fact that we will move from the 10% tax bracket to 12%. I think we would owe about $60 more per year.
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    Carpal tunnel syndrome

    Check into the supplement Astaxanthin. The literature states that many see improvement with Carpal Tunnel and other ailments. I was suffering from Plantar Fasciitis, tennis elbow, and mild Carpal Tunnel (no pain at night, but numb fingers in the morning). Within three weeks, my PF had...
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    What did you do today? 2017 version

    Went to the gym, then had lunch with DH at Johnny Carino's. Took advantage of a beautiful Fall day in the high 60's to clean out the gutters. The weather is supposed to turn windy and cool tomorrow. Discovered two downspouts were clogged, couldn't find the plumbers snake so ran to Home Depot...
  25. F

    How many times did you move the goal posts?

    In my late 30's, my goal was to RE at 59. By my mid 40's, I had moved it to 55 because I was getting burned out on my IT job, but I still loved the company that I worked for. However, after an upper management change two years ago, I no longer liked my IT job or the company that I worked for...
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