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  1. F

    Who FIREd and then went back to work?

    Less that two months ago, a retired from my toxic job and took a PT job in another industry working 4 days per week. While I am enjoying my new PT job, I am also greatly enjoying the 3 day weekends! In fact, the taste of having more free time, has me contemplating how wonderful full retirement...
  2. F

    Bond ETFs?

    I will be rolling my 401K into an IRA soon, and I am planning on utilizing ETFs instead of mutual funds. I have some ideas for stock ETFs, but I would love to hear suggestions for Bond ETFs. My asset allocation will be 30% to one or more bond ETFs. I am willing to take a little more risk...
  3. F

    Suddenly Semi-Retired at 48

    I'm so glad to have found this forum last week, as I find myself suddenly semi-retired at the age of 48. I say "suddenly" because I had no definite plan to retire when this year started. However, I was becoming increasingly unhappy with upper management, and I knew it was just a matter of time...
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