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  1. W

    Seattle Times Sub-Prime Mortgage Article Her 29-year-old daughter, a graduate student with an annual income of less than $20,000, qualified for a mortgage of $600,000 with no money down, split into two different loans at 8.75 percent and 12.5 percent interest rates...
  2. W

    Downsizing on housing or renting

    We downsized and love it. 2 BR townhome paid off with equity from sale of big house, taxes ony $900 annually, easy upkeep, end unit with windows on three sides.
  3. W

    Inserting Images: Caution

    Ah yeah there was a classic one where a guy realized thousands of people from myspace were sucking his bandwidth by using an image he hosted so he replaced it with an extremely foul image that I won't even describe. Truly hilarious read =
  4. W

    How important is using $$ efficiently for meeting your goals?

    Our biggest difference compared to others in same income range has always been the cars. Software engineer and attorney, completely content with a 98 Corolla and 99 CRV. We've had coworkers and neighbors go thru 2-3 new cars in the time we've had these... and when I think about how much a...
  5. W

    new milestone for us

    I remember when still had wife's student loans so the milestone was a positive net worth.
  6. W

    Retirement Advice

    sure there is costco you just have to be willing to walk around and accept limited choice :)
  7. W

    What are your taxes looking like?

    Owe $3700. We claim 0 but two good earners no mortgage no kids no nuthin. When I saw total I went into HR office and had an additional $100 taken withheld paycheck, that should get us closer.
  8. W

    A country of money idiots?

    Does this include taking on a mortgage to buy a home? Few have earned enough to buy one outright, and they want the instant gratification of having one.
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    Compounding - Saving early then stopping

    Figuring on a real 8% (as in assuming <>3% inflation erosion) seems a tad aggressive. Overly simplified method = calculate annual increases over inflation so you get some results in today's dollars and do the math: Starting with 500k, gaining 4%annually over COL: 1 520000 2 540800 3 562432 4...
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    What do you hate most?

    Exactly. I'm none of those professions, and realize there are bad people in all of them, but still couldn't imagine professing a blanket hate for any group of millions like that.
  11. W

    What do you hate most?

    I don't get it. When you say you hate a profession like lawyers, profession, or politicians do you mean you hate profession itself or hate everyone in it? If you hate the profession then you're saying our lives would be better with no representation on any legal matters, no doctors to treat...
  12. W

    "The 30s are a real make-or-break decade for many people."

    When I look at these net worth stats broken out by age I'm always trying to enjoy the fat days while I'm in them. I'm 38, and at or near the highest tiers for the 30s age group... but two years from now when I'm in the 40s bracket I'm suddenly not as elite. :(
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    Emergency fund almost depleted

    and.... good luck with everything
  14. W

    Emergency fund almost depleted

    I second Charles' advice... get home equity lines right now while you can still write an employer and salary on the form.
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    What do you consider an acceptable success %

    Yup, or work. Amazing the impact even a couple days of work per week can have on an income stream and wthdrawal rate.
  16. W

    What do you consider an acceptable success %

    Exactly what I was thinking... and funny the post you refer to started with an admonishment about poor analogies. If someone lucked into a lottery or inheritance windfall retirement despite having never saved a dime I'd lean more towards the 100% safety, but all these resourceful, financially...
  17. W

    Could there be any better reason to ER?

    Also - I'm the lead now of our little software group here (the awkward phase of peer to boss is still dying out) and made it clear my expectations are similar to wstu32. Stay focused and work hard when you're here, call me if you're going to be in after 9:00 am, and I sure won't be the guy...
  18. W

    Could there be any better reason to ER?

    This thread makes me feel fortunate. I've been a software engineer for over 15 years now and have always worked at places where 8 hour day is the norm. Sometimes when the tradeshow is coming up or the fires happen it's longer, but just as often nobody cares if bail to take dog to vet, get on...
  19. W

    Tied Down by Home/and or Pets.

    This covers us too. We’ve been very fortunate in having a neighbor who’s mother lives with her. She’s retired, loves animals, and has a lot more time on her hands now that the grandkids she was helping with are off to college. She comes over for the dog and two cats, handles the patio plants...
  20. W

    The invisible rich

    Yeah I'm guilty of looking thru public records online of coworkers. It's not a hobby or anything more like when I found out it was possible the newness of it kept me interested for a couple hours. The mortgage amount is always there and if they have an adjustable rate loan the interest rate is...
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    Greater than 4% Withdrawal Rate

    Yes that perfect panacea... spouse works and your withdraw a pretty safe 0%
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    Greater than 4% Withdrawal Rate

    and poor Joe, who had managed to accumulate a much higher net worth before retiring and takes the same conservative 4% withdrawal rate... goes down in flames along with Jane, victim of that remaining 5%
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    Greater than 4% Withdrawal Rate

    I still don't understand how resetting on good years can in any way impact your initial chance of success that's based on a certain withdrawal rate. Jane retires in 2005 with 1,000,000 and decides on a 4% withdrawal rate (40,000) that gives 95% chance of success. What a great year, Jane's...
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    Scaling back lifestyles

    Seeing Ian from Globe Trekker marvel at Angor Wat with all the camera angles they throw in is one thing, standing in front of it appreciating the scale and detail is completely different. The former made me think "hey that's pretty cool" while the latter brought a lump in my throat and chills...
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