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  1. R

    The Photographers' Corner 2013-2020

    Gorgeous photos and the video is so well done!
  2. R

    Coronavirus - Travel impacts II

    We are supposed to fly via JFK to Rome next Friday. We are definitely cancelling our trip. Our employers say we have to self-quarantine upon return if we go. We have kids in college and none of us could realistically do that, so we are not taking any chances of getting stuck. Hoping it slows...
  3. R

    Sharing 23 years of Frugal Retirement

    I enjoyed your dad’s posts and life experiences very much. My condolences to your family.
  4. R

    Iron is the New Cholesterol

    Thanks for posting that article. I was recently diagnosed with hereditary hemochromatosis, but do not have active disease; my iron saturation and ferritin are normal. I found all the potential connections interesting, especially given the HH and some of the potentially associated diseases...
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    zenni Optical

    My husband is very happy with the glasses he got from Zenni. He did buy an online ruler and had me measure his pupillary distance. I think the ruler cost less than two dollars, and you hold it over your nose and measure to the center of your eye. The first pair of glasses he got from Zenni were...
  6. R

    What new series are you watching? *No Spoilers, Please*

    We have just watched Modern Love and Fleabag, several episodes each. We stumbled on to Catastrophe, which appears to have four seasons. We found season one very funny, and will keep watching. The humor is great. Thanks for the other suggestions. We are new empty nesters and are enjoying our...
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    How much do you tip hotel housekeeping?

    We usually tip $5 a day. I usually leave it each day, as I never know if the same person cleans the same rooms daily. We clean up after ourselves and hang/ re-use our towels.
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    Considering part time option -OMY

    Sounds like a win win! Good luck.
  9. R

    While we are discussing toenails....

    I had success with oral lamisil on two separate occasions years apart. My insurance would not pay for the new stuff, which my doc said is quite effective. I did get a bad rash over my trunk into the 2nd month, so perhaps I can try that if I need it in the future [emoji6]. I did get rid of shoes...
  10. R

    Superior service from Vanguard

    Your wife is lovely. I’m happy to have a photo of her as I now include you both in my prayers. I’m so happy to hear that you found a sensitive soul at Vanguard who was so willing to help you. Best of luck.
  11. R

    College tuition: How much is too much?

    We have been in this situation with three kids, and our youngest just made a decision to attend an out of state school like her older siblings. Each got merit scholarships, and each went back to the departments of interest speaking of their intended contributions and requested additional...
  12. R

    Bloggers that cater to higher income folks

    Physician on Fire also started a FatFire Facebook group, and I believe there may have been a thread about other fat fire blogs or groups.
  13. R

    Colonoscopy & Endoscopy at same time??!!

    Appreciate you guys sharing your experiences and talking some sense into me! If you ever need to do this (or either one separately), might be worth checking into what kind of drugs they will give you. That combo worked amazingly for me.. Awesome. Congrats on the good news. Now it will be...
  14. R

    Colonoscopy & Endoscopy at same time??!!

    I have had them done in the same appt and was frustrated recently when insurance (Aetna) made me do them during two separate visits. I think the two-for-one is a much better deal for you as a patient. Good luck!
  15. R

    Maybe it is just me, but ER did not work the way I was hoping

    You brought me to tears; what a great reflection. Life is hard and wonderful all at once. Good luck to you, and to the OP.
  16. R

    Did anything significant happen in year 27 of your life?

    I got engaged at 27 to a great guy. We look forward to retiring and reviving our life as a couple now that the kids are growing up.
  17. R

    An Expat Retiree

    Thanks for sharing your experience in Mexico. We visited SMA late last year and enjoyed it, but the long ride from the airport, even thought we knew about it, made it a very long trip. We had toyed with the idea of visiting your area, and now I'm more interested to explore it. For some...
  18. R

    10 Years!

    Thanks for Sharing I love reading your story-thanks so much for posting the links and providing updates.
  19. R

    Question about SWR

    Yeah, I'm almost 52 so my withdrawal amounts will go down substantially when I hit 70 and start taking SS. I know a lot can change in 18 years , but that is kind of my plan. Are you considering that you will be paying RMDs at 70 1/2? Even when you take social security, your withdrawals may...
  20. R

    Collecting Social Security benefits at age 62

    Thank you. I’m beginning to understand it better. I really appreciate the comparisons/analysis.
  21. R

    tough love -- college decisions

    It’s so hard being a parent. It sounds like you are making the decisions for your son. Is it possible that his lack of motivation is coming from a lack of control and a perception that he will not be able to meet your expectations? Maybe if he knows you believe he will find his way, and that you...
  22. R

    tough love -- college decisions

    You’re getting some great feedback. Based upon our personal experience, we have found our kids do best when they engage in and take responsibility for the decision. We have been very clear in what we are able to pay. As a manager who has hired people throughout the years, I don’t think the...
  23. R

    The Photographers' Corner 2013-2020

    Those photos are spectacular! You have quite the eye. What type of camera do you use? I recently got into the Sony mirrorless. Do you store your photos on the new computer? Thanks for the update!
  24. R

    32 year old, shooting for 35?

    Good luck! I enjoy reading your story and will be interested in what you move on to after work.
  25. R

    Middle age is not too late to increase cardiac fitness

    Thank you so much for sharing this! I was very active with long distance running and triathlons until my early 40s, but for almost 10 years, work and kids have been the priority. I have worried about the lost fitness and impact on future health. This motivates me to get back at it. Personally...
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