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  1. M

    AFIB is a Progressive Disease

    Afib I went to the ER in March of 2018 at 62. My heart rate was racing at 157 and I was having trouble breathing. They tried cardioversion twice but failed both times. I went on heavy medication to control my heart rate until I had my 1st ablation in May of 2018 It lasted about a year and then...
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    My Retirement Struggle

    I will be 67 next month. I retired from my day job working in retail for 48 years in April of 2020. I also have a part time job teaching business at a community college, which I have been doing for 16 years. I am still teaching because I love it so much. I teach online classes, so it gives me a...
  3. M

    Got myself into a sticky wicket

    Easy. Quit! Go enjoy your retirement.
  4. M

    Grateful to not have to do anything for money anymore

    I agree. I retired April 1st right when COVID hit, and after 2 heart surgeries in the previous 2 years. My dad use to always say every day above ground is a good one. That saying is something that I fully understand these days. I was 64 when I retired after 48 years in retail. Fortunate that I...
  5. M

    should I stay or should I go?

    Should I stay or should I go I was with the same company for 38 years, when I got recruited to another company. It was a tough decision because I was very happy where I was. I made the decision to go and spent 10 years with the next company. Best decision I ever made, especially on the...
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    Likelihood of upcoming travel plans

    We are also traveling to Maui for one week and then to Oahu for one week on July 11th. As of yesterday, Hawaai still has a 14 day quarantine through June 30th. We are waiting until the last minute to cancel and hoping for the best.
  7. M

    What has this drastic financial situation tought you?

    I announced my retirement weeks ago exactly one week before all this chaos started. I was hoping to work until 65 (i actually like work), but have had 2 heart operations and need to focus on my health and have been retired now for about 2 weeks. After losing about 20% of my retirement accounts...
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